摘要: 地表热点是认识地幔柱假说以及地幔柱动力学的窗口,发生在洋脊与热点之间的相互作用则是了解地球上两大动力系统(板块构造和地幔柱)的直接联系的最有利地区。研究洋脊-热点之间的相互作用对于揭示地幔动力学、热点附近洋壳构造的演变以及与热点密切相关的洋中脊处的岩浆热液活动具有重要的意义。在肯定地幔柱假说的基础上,对洋脊-地幔柱(热点)的模拟实验以及三大洋中不同扩张脊与热点相互作用的最新研究作了系统的介绍和评述,指出室内模拟实验以及地质学、岩石学、地球化学和地球物理学(特别是高分辨率的地震技术)的结合研究将是本领域研究的发展趋势。
- 地幔柱 /
- 洋中脊 /
- 热点 /
- 热点-洋中脊相互作用
Abstract: Hotspot is a window to understand mantle plume hypothesis and dynamics of mantle plume, and the area where ridge interactions with hotspot is the best place to directly find out relationship between plate tectonics and mantle plume. Based on affirming mantle plume hypothesis, the authors introduce several 2D or 3D simulation experiments about ridge-plume (hotspot) interaction and some examples of hotspot-ridge interactions existing in the three oceans. It is further pointed out that simulation experiments combined with geology, petrology, geochemistry and geophysics(especially for high resolution seismic technique) in studying mantle(hotspot)-ridge interaction will play an important role in such reseaches as plume-ridge interactions.-
- mantle plume /
- mid-oceanic-ridge /
- hotspot /
- plume-ridge interaction
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