
黄威, 胡邦琦, 徐磊, 宋维宇, 丁雪, 郭建卫, 崔汝勇, 虞义勇

黄威, 胡邦琦, 徐磊, 宋维宇, 丁雪, 郭建卫, 崔汝勇, 虞义勇. 帕里西维拉海盆西缘中段铁锰结核的地球化学特征和成因类型[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(1): 199-209. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101501
引用本文: 黄威, 胡邦琦, 徐磊, 宋维宇, 丁雪, 郭建卫, 崔汝勇, 虞义勇. 帕里西维拉海盆西缘中段铁锰结核的地球化学特征和成因类型[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(1): 199-209. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101501
HUANG Wei, HU Bangqi, XU Lei, SONG Weiyu, DING Xue, GUO Jianwei, Cui Ruyong, YU Yiyong. Geochemical characteristics and genesis of the ferromanganese nodules in the middle western margin of the Parece Vela Basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(1): 199-209. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101501
Citation: HUANG Wei, HU Bangqi, XU Lei, SONG Weiyu, DING Xue, GUO Jianwei, Cui Ruyong, YU Yiyong. Geochemical characteristics and genesis of the ferromanganese nodules in the middle western margin of the Parece Vela Basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(1): 199-209. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101501


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目“菲律宾海盆底层水体性质对中更新世气候转型的响应机制”(41976192);国家自然科学基金重点项目 “冲绳海槽海底冷泉—热液相互作用及资源效应”(91858208);中国地质调查局地质调查二级项目(DD20191010,DD20190581);青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋矿产资源评价与探测技术功能实验室自主课题“帕劳海脊两侧海盆锰结核的铂族元素和铼锇同位素记录的海脊形成演化事件”(MMRZZ201808)




  • 中图分类号: P736.4, P744

Geochemical characteristics and genesis of the ferromanganese nodules in the middle western margin of the Parece Vela Basin

  • 摘要: 深海铁锰结核能有效记录海域内重大地质事件和气候环境信息,且富含多种金属物质极具资源潜力,因而广受关注。通过对帕里西维拉海盆西侧边缘中段海域内新发现的12个站位铁锰结核的地球化学特征研究,发现与全球主要成矿区内的铁锰结核相比,Mn及主要赋存在锰氧化物中的Ni、Cu、Mo的含量较低(分别为8.20%~25.24%、0.11%~0.54%、0.08%~0.31%和0.01%~0.03%),主要由铁的羟基氧化物吸附的Ti,以及还会与钙磷酸盐发生耦合置换反应的REY的含量较高(分别为0.45%~1.88%、0.04%~0.19%),含量中等的Co(0.06%~0.27%)在铁锰相物质和硅酸盐相内核中分散分布。样品REY的标准化配分模式显示出明显一致的Ce正异常和Y负异常。铁锰结核从海水中捕获的Ce3+容易被氧化成难溶且不具有活性的Ce4+,Y则在结核内存在形式不稳定,容易发生解吸,致使Ce和Y分别呈现出相对于其他REY逐步富集和亏损的特征。研究区形成时间较晚,铁锰结核生长发育的时间不足,且四周地形较高,缺乏与外界连通的水道,阻碍了诸如来自南极的富氧底层流的大规模进入。区域内结核样品主要为水成型,成岩成因组分的供给太低,降低了主要有用组分的含量。以上诸多因素可能会导致区域内的铁锰结核难以富集成矿。
    Abstract: Deep-sea ferromanganese nodules have been widely recognized as important records of the geological events and the climatic and environmental changes of deep oceans. They are also commonly regarded as potential resources in near future for their richness in a variety of valuable metals. In this paper, 12 stations of ferromanganese nodule are newly discovered from the middle of western margin of the Parece Vela Basin and samples collected and analyzed for their geochemical characteristics. These ferromanganese nodules are low in Mn, Ni, Cu and Mo (8.20%~25.24%, 0.11%~0.54%, 0.08%~0.31% and 0.01%~0.03%, respectively), high in Ti, REY (0.45%~1.88% and 0.04%~0.19%, respectively)and moderate in Co (0.06%~0.27%) when compared to the high potential areas of the global oceans such as CCZ, CIOB, PB and CI. The Ni, Cu and Mo are strongly enriched in manganese oxides, but the Ti and REY are mainly absorbed from ocean water by the iron oxyhydroxides, and the REY3+ with a monovalent element of similar size are easily replaced through coupled substitution by Ca2+ from the Ca phosphates in the iron oxyhydroxides. The Ce and Y show pronounced positive and negative anomalies in the REYSN patterns, respectively. The Ce3+ oxidation and Ce4+ fixation occur easily on the surface of the ferromanganese nodules. Once the Ce3+ in the ferromanganese nodules is oxidized to Ce4+, it is usually less mobile and will participate less in exchange reactions with the surrounding seawater. With time, this oxidative scavenging of Ce results in the preferential accumulation of redox-sensitive Ce relative to the non-redox-sensitive REY, but part of the Y is desorbed easily from the ferromanganese nodule surface, which produces positive Ce anomalies and negative Y anomalies. The research area is relatively young, and the growth of the ferromanganese nodules is not sufficient. Moreover, the surrounding terrain of the Parece Vela Basin is relatively high and there are less gateways connecting with the outside, which prevents the large-scale entry of the cold, dense and dissolved oxygen-rich bottom water such as Antarctic bottom water. The ferromanganese nodules of the region is dominated by hydrogenetic precipitation. However, the supply of the diagenetic precipitation components is too low, which will reduce the contents of valuable metals in the research aera. Therefore, it is low in resource potential.
  • 厚层辫状河道储集层内部发育多种类型隔夹层,各隔夹层形态和规模相差大,而隔夹层展布的定量研究对厚层砂岩中骨架河道刻画和河道期次划分意义重大。近年来,国内外学者多侧重于露头和现代沉积的河流相储层构型研究,对地下储层构型的研究多集中于曲流河储层,有关辫状河道储层的定量表征研究较少[1-5]

    西湖凹陷A构造其花港组主力目的层H3砂层组发育厚层辫状河道砂岩,渗透率多为(0.1~10)×10−3 μm2,储层质量较差,为低渗—特低渗储层。多口井取心资料证实,物性整体随着埋深的加大而变差,横向及纵向非均质性强,因此,寻找优质储层发育区是产能释放、储量升级的攻关方向。



    图  1  西湖凹陷构造带位置及钻探井位
    Figure  1.  Regional tectonic pattern of the Xihu Sag



    图  2  IRE与泥质含量关系
    Figure  2.  Diagram of IRE vs mud content

    以A1井为例,通过计算可知,选取的三条曲线GR、RT、DEN权重指数分别为0.46、0.36和0.18,将原曲线值与权重指数分别相乘再求和,即可得到该井区指示隔夹层类型的综合评价指标IRE值。结合录井资料可知,H3顶部厚层泥岩隔层测井曲线回返幅度小,位于泥岩基线附近,且IRE值明显偏高,为51~110;中间砂砾岩发育段揭示落淤层夹层测井曲线回返显著,IRE值偏低,为24~45。对照IRE值,H3砂层组100 余米的厚砂岩可识别出3大套共10期河道砂体。其中渗透率在1×10−3 μm2以上的优质储层主要发育在H3b正旋回的中下部,其IRE值低,多为25~30,指示隔夹层均为落淤层,处在滞留沉积发育的上覆砂体之中,是在多次洪泛事件不断向下游移动过程中垂向加积而成的正向地貌,主要是一套以粗粒沉积为主的沉积物,岩相组合为强水动力条件下的大量含砾砂岩–中粗砂岩–中砂岩,其渗透率往往较高,可以达到1×10−3 μm2以上,判断为I类储层。H3c IRE值略高,集中在36~45,泥岩夹层逐渐增加,水动力条件减弱,岩相组合表现为少量砂质砾岩–少量块状层理中粗砂岩–大量块状及平行层理细砂岩,渗透率大于1×10−3 μm2的储层也相对减少,判断为II1类储层。而H3a IRE更高,隔夹层多泥岩层,多为洪水退却期水流波动在心滩顶部沉积物质;或者为局部动荡洪水期淹没心滩,形成类似于天然堤的沉积。由于水动力环境较弱,其沉积物粒度较细,代表弱水动力的细粒砂岩增多,物性更差,渗透率往往较低,多小于1×10−3 μm2,为II2类储层(图3表2

    图  3  A1井隔夹层识别与划分
    Figure  3.  Identification and division of barrier and interlayer in Well A1
    表  2  IRE与储层类型定量关系
    Table  2.  Quantitative relationship between IRE and reservoir type
    隔夹层类型IRE岩相组合水动力强弱渗透率/10−3 μm2储层类型
    (均值 21)
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    表  3  A构造H3 IRE值与隔夹层类型划分
    Table  3.  The IRE value of A Structure and the corresponding interlayer type
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    图  4  A构造H3储层物性分布连井剖面
    Figure  4.  The crosswell profile of H3 reservoir physical distribution in the A Structure


    首先通过岩心资料,统计出工区H3交错层系组的平均厚度h1为0.6 m,从而利用公式(1)、(2)计算出沙丘高度h2为1.76 m,再利用公式(3)得出单河道满岸深度h3为18.7 m,通过单河道满岸深度h3与单河道宽度wb的关系式(4),得到单河道宽度wb为726.8 m,最后得到工区宽厚比A为38.87,而该宽厚比与井上读出的各单河道砂体厚度的乘积即为各期河道横向展布范围。通过计算可知,A1井区单河道展布范围为1.1~2.3 km,符合辫状河三角洲河道宽度一般为1~3 km的经验数值。

    $$ \beta = h_{1} /1.8 $$ (1)
    $$ h_{ 2} = 5.3\beta + 0.001\beta $$ (2)
    $$ h_{3}= 11.6h_{2}^{0.84 } \quad(0.1\;{\rm m} {\text{<}} h_{3} {\text{<}} 100\;{\rm m}) $$ (3)
    $$ w_{\rm b}=11.413\times h_{3}^{1.4182 } $$ (4)
    $$ A=w_{\rm b}/h_{3 } $$ (5)


    单河道砂体厚度大于10 m,砂地比大于80%时,GR曲线多表现为箱型,齿化程度低,单砂体连通性好,以叠拼式为主。单河道砂体厚度为5~10 m,砂地比多为50%~80%,GR曲线以钟型–齿化箱型为主,砂体连通性变差,多呈侧拼式出现。单河道砂体厚度小于5 m,砂地比小于50%时,砂体连通性更差,多为孤立砂体出现。通过统计西湖凹陷A构造砂体厚度和砂地比可知,A构造花港组H3砂层组单砂体厚度均大于10 m,最大可达25 m,多集中在15 m,砂地比均大于85%,所以认为该区砂体以叠拼式为主。

    在单井类比的基础上,我们基于“旋回对比、分级控制、厚度约束”的原则,对井间也进行了类比。以同一油气藏系统的A1井和A5井为例,A1井和A5井岩性组合自下而上共识别出10期砂体,这10期砂体表现出细—粗—细的特征,粗粒相带主要集中于4—6期砂体发育,反映河道早期稳定,晚期摆动的特征;测井相多表现为箱型,A5井齿化程度强,局部可见漏斗型;从地震相来看,两口井早期同相轴变化弱,中晚期同相轴向A5井逐渐发散。结合岩心相、测井相和地震相认为,A1井与A5井间距3.17 km,属同一复河道带之内,但处于不同的部位,A1井更靠近河道的中心部位,A5井处于河道侧缘。而两口井砂地比约84%,自下而上单砂体厚度逐渐减薄,延伸宽度逐渐减小,所以推测砂体为拼叠型展布,且平面上同一套砂体连通性逐渐变差(图5)。

    图  5  A5井与A1井砂体精细对比
    Figure  5.  Detailed comparison of sand bodies between well A5 and A1


    图  6  A2井—A1井—A4井砂体精细对比
    Figure  6.  Fine comparison of sand bodies among wells A2-A1-A4



    图  7  A构造H3古地貌及地震复合微相河道识别
    Figure  7.  The paleogeomorphology of H3 in the A Structure and channel microfacies identification from seismic profile


    图  8  H3沉积微相及粗粒相带分布图
    Figure  8.  Sedimentary microfacies and the distribution of coarse-grain facies in H3



    图  9  A构造花港组溶蚀面孔率与物性关系
    Figure  9.  Relationship between the porosity ratio in dissolution surface and the physical property in Huagang Formation of the A Structure


    表  4  强溶蚀区划分依据
    Table  4.  Identification criterion for the division of diagenetic facies in strong dissolution area
    渗透率/10−3 μm2>10.5~10.2~0.5<0.2
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    图  10  A构造H3强溶蚀区分布及有利区带叠合图
    Figure  10.  Distribution of strong dissolution area in A Structure H3 and the superimposition map with promising reservoir


    (2)工区内单河道宽厚比为38.87,结合单砂体厚度,折算出各期河道展布范围为1.1~2.3 km。A构造H3砂地比多在70%以上,所以认为该区砂体多呈现叠拼型,垂向上连通性有所变化。


  • 图  1   帕里西维拉海盆及周边海域内铁锰结核的分布


    Figure  1.   Locations of the ferromanganese nodules in the Parece Vela Basin and adjacent oceans

    The distribution information of the ferromanganese nodules previously discovered is from the references [5-15].

    图  2   铁锰结核REY的PAAS标准化配分模式

    为便于显示,将海水的REY值扩大106倍;PAAS的稀土元素含量引自文献[28]。海水的REY含量数据选择与本研究区邻近且水深层位相近的海水的值,其中REE数据引自文献[40],采样区域为本研究区东面的西太平洋,水深5 660 m;Y数据引自文献[41],采样区域为西南太平洋东加罗林海盆,水深5 149 m。

    Figure  2.   Shale normalized rare earth elements and yttrium contents of the ferromanganese nodules from the research aera

    To facilitate the display in the diagram, the REY contents of the seawater are expanded by 106 times; PAAS data is from the reference [28]. The REY data of the seawater is from the reference [40], the sampling area with the water depth of 5 660 m is in the western Pacific Ocean close the study area, which is similar to the distribution depth of the samples in this paper. Y data of the seawater is from the reference [41], and the sampling area is in the east Caroline Basin of the southwest Pacific Ocean, with the water depth of 5 149 m.

    图  3   铁锰结核REY成因类型判别

    底图引自文献[34, 42]。

    Figure  3.   Discriminating between different genetic types of the ferromanganese nodules from the research aera based on rare earth elements and yttrium

    Discrimination plots are modified from the references [34,42].

    图  4   本文研究区与全球主要成矿区内铁锰结核的主要有用组分平均含量对比


    Figure  4.   Mean contents of the valuable metals in the ferromanganese nodules from the research aera and the high potential areas of the global ocean

    The contents of the valuable metals in the ferromanganese nodules from the CCZ, CIOB, PB and CI are from the reference [2].

    表  1   铁锰结核内主量元素及主要有用组分间的相关系数矩阵

    Table  1   Pearson correlation coefficient matrix for major and valuable metal elements contained in the studied ferromanganese nodules

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    表  2   铁锰结核内REY与主量元素间的相关系数矩阵

    Table  2   Pearson correlation coefficient matrix for REY and major elements contained in the studied ferromanganese nodules

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