Elemental geochemical characteristics of surface sediments from the southern Kyushu-Palau Ridge and their geological significance
摘要: 菲律宾海地理位置特殊,蕴含着丰富的前沿地球科学问题,是研究地球多圈层相互作用的天然实验室。近年来,菲律宾海中部九州-帕劳海脊南段已成为研究热点,但对其表层沉积物物质来源和沉积环境了解尚存在不足。本文通过对采集于九州-帕劳海脊南段水深为3900~6100 m的69个站位样品开展沉积地球化学研究,旨在判别沉积物的物质来源和沉积环境空间变化特征。结果表明:研究区底质类型为远洋黏土和硅质软泥,不同类型沉积物的碎屑组分化学风化程度均较低,受分选和再循环的影响较小,是亚洲风尘物质和岛弧火山物质的混合产物,且以亚洲风尘物质为主;研究区不同类型站位的沉积环境基本一致,整体处于氧化沉积环境,底层水体氧化还原条件不是研究区沉积物中过渡金属(如Mo)元素富集的控制因素,铁锰(氢)氧化物是连接水体-沉积物中过渡金属元素源-汇过程的重要纽带。此外,底部氧化还原条件可能不是该海域硅藻席沉积保存的必要条件。Abstract: The Philippine Sea, with its special geographical location, is rich in frontier geoscience issues and is a natural laboratory for studying the Earth multi-layer interactions. In recent years, the southern section of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in the central Philippine Sea has become a hot spot for geoscience research, but its surface sediment provenance and sedimentary environment are not yet well understood. The sediment geochemistry of 69 stations collected from the southern section of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge at water depths of 3900-6100m was studied to identify the spatial variability of sediment provenance and depositional environments. The results show that the sediment types in the study area are pelagic clay and siliceous ooze, and the clastic components of sediment are less chemically weathered, less affected by sorting and recycling, and are mixed products of Asian dust materials and island-arc volcanic materials, of which Asian dust materials are dominated; and the different types of sediment in the study area are basically in an oxidative depositional environment, and the bottom water redox conditions are not a controlling factor for the enrichment of transition metal (e.g., Mo) elements in the sediments, indicating that Fe-Mn (oxyhydr)oxides are an important link between the source-sink processes of transition metal elements at the water-sediment interface. In addition, bottom redox conditions may not be necessary for the preservation of diatom mats.
图 3 源区风化强度和沉积分选再循环评价图
A:A-CN-K图解[24],B:Th/Sc-Zr/Sc双变量图[29],C:La-Th-Sc三角图解[30],D:La/Th-Hf双变量图[31] 。底图均据引用文献重新绘制。
Figure 3. Evaluation of the weathering intensity in the source regions and the sedimentary sorting and recycling
A: A-CN-K ternary diagram [24], B: Th/Sc-Zr/Sc diagram [29], C: La-Th-Sc ternary diagram [30], D: La/Th-Hf diagram [31].
图 6 研究区底层水体氧化还原环境识别图
A:V/Cr-Th/U协变图,B:V/(V + Ni)-Th/U协变图,C:Ni/Co-Th/U协变图,D: EF(Mo)-Th/U协变图。其中V/Cr、Th/U和Ni/Co的含氧量临界值参考文献[49-50]。
Figure 6. Diagrams of redox environment of bottom water
A: V/Cr-Th/U; B: V/(V + Ni)-Th/U; C: Ni/Co-Th/U; D: EF(Mo)-Th/U. Critical oxygen content of V/Cr, Th/U, and Ni/Co ratios are from references[49-50].
表 1 研究区表层沉积物常量元素氧化物含量和微量元素含量
Table 1 Contents of major and trace elements of the surface sediments of this study
组分 最小值 最大值 平均值 上地壳[21] 常量
/%Al2O3 2.46 17.4 13.8 15.4 CaO 0.45 2.51 1.52 3.59 MgO 0.21 4.11 3.16 2.48 K2O 0.43 2.87 2.16 2.8 Na2O 3.16 16.2 5.81 3.27 TiO2 0.04 0.84 0.64 0.64 P2O5 0.04 0.56 0.26 0.15 MnO 0.03 6.62 1.14 0.1 TFe2O3 0.87 12.4 7.99 5.04 微量
/(μg/g)Cu 28.2 842 268 28 Pb 5.1 299 57.7 17 Zn 18.1 292 138 67 Cr 12.3 105 69.2 92 Ni 11.5 1160 181 47 Co 4.08 384 75.3 17.3 Cd 0.03 3.31 0.42 0.09 Li 8.35 73.6 50 21 Rb 12.8 106 72 84 Cs 0.78 9.5 6.62 4.9 Mo 0.63 70.9 18.7 1.1 Sr 48.2 709 196 320 Ba 244 2280 1106 624 V 19.1 251 164 97 Sc 2.51 25.4 19.7 14 Zr 9.9 223 121 193 Hf 0.6 4.53 3.11 5.3 U 0.39 3.13 1.84 2.7 Th 1.19 16.3 9 10.5 La 5.81 77.4 39.0 31.0 -
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