
文汉锋, 赵楠钰, 刘成程, 周鹏超, 王国桢, 晏宏

文汉锋, 赵楠钰, 刘成程, 周鹏超, 王国桢, 晏宏. 西太平洋帕劳砗磲高分辨率氧同位素记录及其指示的气候环境变化[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101101
引用本文: 文汉锋, 赵楠钰, 刘成程, 周鹏超, 王国桢, 晏宏. 西太平洋帕劳砗磲高分辨率氧同位素记录及其指示的气候环境变化[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101101
WEN Hanfeng, ZHAO Nanyu, LIU Chengcheng, ZHOU Pengchao, WANG Guozhen, YAN Hong. High-resolution oxygen isotope records of Tridacna gigas from Palau, Western Pacific and its climatic and environmental implications[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101101
Citation: WEN Hanfeng, ZHAO Nanyu, LIU Chengcheng, ZHOU Pengchao, WANG Guozhen, YAN Hong. High-resolution oxygen isotope records of Tridacna gigas from Palau, Western Pacific and its climatic and environmental implications[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(1): 1-13. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020101101


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金“利用砗磲重建南海北部小时分辨率气候变化初探”(41877399),“地质新时代的人类世:时限、特征与影响”(41991250);中国科学院战略性先导科技专项B类(XDB40000000);中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养引进计划




  • 中图分类号: P532,P736.4

High-resolution oxygen isotope records of Tridacna gigas from Palau, Western Pacific and its climatic and environmental implications

  • 摘要: 砗磲是海洋中最大的双壳类贝壳,其碳酸盐壳体通常具有年纹层和天纹层,是一种理想的高分辨率古气候研究载体。氧同位素是砗磲古气候研究中最常用的指标之一,但在将其应用于古气候重建之前,通常需要对其现代地球化学过程进行准确的校准。帕劳群岛位于西太平洋暖池西北边缘,其珊瑚礁盘具有丰富的砗磲壳体资源,为开展古气候研究提供了丰富的材料。在本次研究中,对采自帕劳群岛的现代活体库氏砗磲(Tridacna gigas)PL-1的内层壳体进行了高分辨率氧同位素分析,同时利用该砗磲较为清晰的天生长纹层对氧同位素的年代学框架进行了标定。结果表明,该砗磲壳体的氧同位素没有明显的变化趋势,说明砗磲个体的生命效应对氧同位素没有显著影响;砗磲壳体氧同位素没有清晰的年周期变化,常出现不规则的毛刺状峰值。结合现代器测资料分析发现,帕劳砗磲内层壳体的氧同位素记录了热带太平洋ENSO活动对该区域水文气候变化的影响。该研究结果表明,帕劳砗磲内层壳体天生长纹层和氧同位素,具有用于开展高分辨率古气候研究的潜力。
    Abstract: Tridacna gigas is the largest marine bivalve, and its hard and dense aragonite shells usually have annual and daily growth lines, which have been demonstrated to be an ideal material for high-resolution paleoclimate research. The oxygen isotope has been widely used in Tridacna paleoclimate studies. However, the oxygen isotope of Tridacna shells must be accurately calibrated by modern geochemical process before paleoclimate reconstructions. Palau is located in the northwestern edge of the Western Pacific Warm Pool. Long-lived Tridacna spp. is a common species in the coral reefs of Palau Islands, which may provide abundant materials for paleoclimate reconstructions. In this study, we present a high-resolution oxygen isotope profile from the inner shell of a modern living T. gigas specimen PL-1 from Palau. The high-resolution chronology of the oxygen isotope profile is determined by the clear daily growth layers in the inner shell. The result suggests that the δ18Oc profile of the T. gigas shell has no obvious trend, indicating that the vital effects have no significant influence on the oxygen isotope of shell. Combining with the instrumental data, we found that the ENSO activities in the tropical Pacific had impacts on the regional hydro-climate changes of Palau, and left some fingerprint in the oxygen isotope of Tridacna shell. This study indicates that the daily growth layer and the oxygen isotope in the inner shell of Tridacna from Palau have the potential for high-resolution paleoclimate research.
  • 图  1   西北太平洋2月(最冷月)与6月(最暖月)平均SST分布(1955—2017年)和帕劳位置示意图


    Figure  1.   The monthly average SST of February (coldest month) and June (warmest month) in the northwestern Pacific (1955—2017) and the location of Palau

    The location of the Palau is marked by white point , SST data is obtained from WOA: http://odv.awi.de/data/ocean/

    图  2   帕劳器测资料和ENSO指数的对比(1995—2015年)

    a. 帕劳月平均SST记录,b. 帕劳月平均SSS记录,c. MEI记录,d. ONI记录,e. 帕劳月平均降水记录;图中a、b、c中的粗实线均为12点滑动平均曲线,图d中红色和蓝色虚线分别为El Niño事件(0.5 ℃)和La Niña事件(−0.5 ℃)的检测阈值,淡红色阴影表示El Niño事件。

    Figure  2.   The comparison of instrumental data of Palau with indices of ENSO (1995—2015)

    a. monthly average SST of Palau, b. monthly average SSS of Palau, c. MEI, d. ONI, e. monthly average Precipitation of Palau. The thick lines in Fig.2a, b and c are the 12-point moving average curves; The red and blue dotted lines in the Fig.2d mark the threshold value for El Niño event (0.5 ℃) and La Niña event (−0.5 ℃), respectively. The light red shading represents El Niño event.

    图  3   1995—2015年帕劳多年月平均SSS(a)、SST(b)和降水(c)

    Figure  3.   The multi-a monthly average SSS (a), SST (b) and Precipitation (c) of Palau (1995—2015)

    图  4   帕劳砗磲PL-1壳体(a)、内层薄片(b)及内层激光共聚焦图像(c)

    Figure  4.   Photograph of T. gigas PL-1(a), slab of PL-1(b), and laser scanning confocal image of inner shell(c)

    图  5   PL-1内层δ18Oc(a)、δ18Oc年龄模型(b)、12点插值的δ18Oc(c)、内层壳体的年生长速率(d)

    Figure  5.   The δ18Oc profile (a), the chronology of δ18Oc profile (b), the 12-point profile of δ18Oc (c) and the annual growth rate of inner shell of PL-1 (d)

    图  6   PL-1 δ18Oc年振幅和年生长速率的相关性

    Figure  6.   The correlation between the δ18Oc annual amplitude and annual growth rate of PL-1

    图  7   格点SST和SODA SSS(a)、实测SST和δ18Ow(b)对δ18Oc年振幅的贡献

    Figure  7.   The contributions of instrumental SST and SODA SSS (a), suit SST and suit δ18Ow (b) to the annual amplitude of δ18Oc

    图  8   12点δ18Oc与SST(a),SSS(b),降水(c)之间的对比


    Figure  8.   The comparison of 12-point profile of δ18Oc with SST (a), SSS (b), and Precipitation (c)

    The blue solid line is the 12-point profile of δ18Oc, the red solid line is SST, the yellow solid line is SSS, the green solid line is Precipitation.

    图  9   δ18OA(a)与SSTA(b)、降水异常(c)、SSSA(d)、MEI(e)、SOI(f)的对比

    图中粗实线均为1年滑动平均曲线;蓝色和红色阴影分别代表由ONI指示的La Niña与El Niño事件,带斜杠的蓝色阴影代表δ18OA未检测出的La Niña;δ18OA、SSSA、MEI的纵轴为逆序坐标。

    Figure  9.   The comparison of δ18OA (a) with SSTA (b), Precipitation anomaly (c), SSSA (d), MEI (e), SOI (f)

    All of the thick solid lines in the figure are the 1-a moving average curves; the blue and red shadings represent the La Niña and El Niño events indicated by ONI, respectively; the blue bar with slashes represents the La Niña event that is not detected by δ18OA; the vertical axes of δ18OA, SSSA and MEI are reversed.

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-10-10
  • 修回日期:  2020-11-06
  • 网络出版日期:  2021-02-28
  • 刊出日期:  2021-02-27


