
谭思哲, 陈春峰, 徐振中, 侯凯文, 王军

谭思哲, 陈春峰, 徐振中, 侯凯文, 王军. 南黄海古生界烃源特征及资源潜力评估[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2018, 38(3): 116-124. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018.03.011
引用本文: 谭思哲, 陈春峰, 徐振中, 侯凯文, 王军. 南黄海古生界烃源特征及资源潜力评估[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2018, 38(3): 116-124. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018.03.011
TAN Sizhe, CHEN Chunfeng, XU Zhenzhong, HOU Kaiwen, WANG Jun. Geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potentials of Paleozoic source rocks in the Southern Yellow Sea basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2018, 38(3): 116-124. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018.03.011
Citation: TAN Sizhe, CHEN Chunfeng, XU Zhenzhong, HOU Kaiwen, WANG Jun. Geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potentials of Paleozoic source rocks in the Southern Yellow Sea basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2018, 38(3): 116-124. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018.03.011



国家科技重大专项“近海中、古生界残留盆地特征及油气潜力” 2011ZX05023-003

中海石油(中国)有限公司项目“南海海盆地中部隆起古地理重建及成藏主控因素研究” YXKY-2018-SH-01



  • 中图分类号: P744.4

Geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potentials of Paleozoic source rocks in the Southern Yellow Sea basin

  • 摘要: 南黄海海域广泛分布了海相古生界,区域地质研究表明,南黄海海相古生界主要发育4套烃源岩层系,分别为下寒武统幕府山组泥质烃源岩,上奥陶统-下志留统五峰组-高家边组泥质烃源岩,下二叠统栖霞组灰质烃源岩和上二叠统龙潭-大隆组泥质烃源岩。通过对这4套烃源岩沉积特征及地球化学实验数据分析,开展了烃源岩地化特征和生烃潜力的评价。评价结果认为,下寒武统幕府山组、下二叠统栖霞组烃源岩有机质丰度高,类型好,生烃潜力高,为好-最好烃源岩;上二叠统龙潭组、大隆组烃源岩,其有机质丰度高,但有机质组成以陆源有机质为主,为较好烃源岩;奥陶-志留系为一般烃源岩,在此基础上,计算南黄海地区的天然气资源量为2.75万亿m3
    Abstract: Marine Paleozoic deposits are widely distributed in the Southern Yellow Sea basin.As the regional geological survey suggests, there are four groups of source rocks, i.e. the muddy source rocks of the lower Cambrian Mufushan formation, muddy source rocks in the Gaojiabian formation of late Ordovician and Wufeng formation of early Silurian, lime source rocks in the lower Permian Qixia formation and muddy source rocks in the upper Permian Longtan-Dalong formation. In this paper, the source rocks systematically evaluated through analysis of its characteristics in petrology and geochemistry. Results show that the lower Cambrian and lower Permian source rocks have high organic abundance and hydrocarbon generation potential belonging to the better-best rank; the upper Permian source rocks, which have high abundance of organic matter, but mainly terrestrial in origin, are ranked as better source rocks; whereas the Ordovician-Silurian source rocks are on common level. Resources calculation suggests that the resource of natural gas might reach 27469×108m3 in total in the basin.
  • 图  1   南黄海盆地构造区划图

    Figure  1.   Tectonic map of South Yellow Sea basin

    图  2   南黄海区早寒武世盆地原型分布图

    Figure  2.   Prototypes of South Yellow Sea basin in Early Cambrian

    图  3   南黄海区早志留世盆地原型分布图

    Figure  3.   Prototypes of South Yellow Sea basin in Early Silurian

    图  4   南黄海区早二叠世盆地原型分布图

    Figure  4.   Prototypes of South Yellow Sea basin in Early Permian

    图  5   南黄海区晚二叠世盆地原型分布图

    Figure  5.   Prototypes of South Yellow Sea basin in Late Permian

    图  6   南黄海区烃源岩成熟度分布特征

    Figure  6.   Distribution characteristics of source rock maturity in South Yellow Sea area

    图  7   南黄海盆地与四川盆地中、古生界沉积充填史对比图


    Figure  7.   Correlation of Mesozoic-Paleozoic depositional history between South Yellow Sea Basin and Sichuan basin

    (after CHEN Jianwen)

    表  1   下扬子南黄海地区海相古生界区域烃源岩发育特征

    Table  1   Characteristics of Paleozoic source rocks in the South Yellow Sea area of the Lower Yangtze

    构造旋回 层位 盆地原型 烃源岩
    海西-早印支旋回 D3-T2 台地+台内拗陷 P1g+P2l+ P2d-裂陷型(泥质)P1q-台地型(灰质)
    加里东旋回 O3-S3 前陆+台内拗陷 O3w-S1g-台内拗陷型(泥质)
    Z-O2 台地+离散陆缘拗陷 1m-被动边缘型泥质)
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    表  2   下扬子和南黄海地区烃源岩地化特征综合对比[18]

    Table  2   Comparisons of geochemical characteristics of source rocks in Lower Yangtze area and South Yellow Sea area

    地区 层位 岩性 烃源岩TOC (%) 类型 成熟度 厚度(m)
    样品数 范围 平均值
    下扬子 P2d 泥岩 69 0.23~14.82 1.8 成熟—成熟 20~50
    P2l 泥岩 484 0.10~16.46 2.1 50~200
    P1q 泥岩 10 0.04~2.51 1.32 50~100
    O3w~S1l 泥岩 589 0.01~3.29 1.28 高成熟 40~80
    1 泥岩 180 0.26~23.44 4.22 高—过成熟 50~150
    南黄海 P2d 泥岩 9 0.49~3.48 1.75 熟—高成熟 45~80
    P2l 泥岩 24 0.37~5.43 1.57 234~252
    P1q 灰岩 75 0.05~2.36 1.21 24~77
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    表  3   苏北-南黄海地区与上扬子四川盆地烃源岩特征对比

    Table  3   Comparison of source rock characteristics between north Jiangsu- South Yellow Sea basin and Sichuan basin in Upper Yangtze region

    地区 层位 岩性 TOC 有机质类型 成熟度
    四川盆地 P2l 泥岩 3%~7% Ⅰ-Ⅱ 2%以上
    P2q 泥灰岩/灰岩 0.8% 2%
    S1l 黑色页岩 1% 2%~3.6%
    1q 黑色页岩 0.75%~4% 2%~5%
    南黄海 P2l +P2d 黑色泥岩 1.57%~1.75% Ⅱ-Ⅲ 0.7%~2.0%
    P1q 灰岩 1.75% 0.7%~2.0%
    O3w~S1g 暗色泥岩 1.28% 1.3%~2.0%
    1m 暗色泥岩 4.22% 1.3%~2.0%
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    表  4   南黄海区古生界天然气资源量估算(单位:108m3)

    Table  4   Estimation of natural gas resources in the Paleozoic in South Yellow Sea

    层位 前印支期 J3-K1 三垛期 现今 累计 生气量占比
    1m 1527782 83865 43595 2997 1658239 76.5%
    O3w~S1l 297287 55654 36466 5243 394650 18.2%
    P1q 0 2210 3161 7846 13217 0.6%
    P2l,P2d 0 5528 22180 74102 101811 4.7%
    运聚系数 1% 1% 4% 4% - -
    资源量 18250.6 1395.2 4216.4 3607.6 27469.8 -
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    表  5   不同地区古生界运聚系数

    Table  5   Migration and accumulation coefficiens of Meso- Paleozoic in different regions

    地区 烃源岩层系 运聚系数 说明
    四川盆地 古生界 气:0.5% 全国第一轮油气资源评价
    鄂尔多斯盆地 古生界 气:0.4%
    华北地区 寒武-奥陶、石炭-二叠 气:0.3%
    滇黔桂、鄂湘赣下扬子 古生界 气:0.1~1.5%
    塔里木塔中 奥陶系 油:1.76%
    川东南地区 下志留~上奥陶 气:0.56% 李辉(2013)
    中扬子湘西北 上元古界-下古生界 油:0.75%
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