
李玉剑, 张异彪, 刘璐晨, 黄涛, 李斌, 陈建文

李玉剑, 张异彪, 刘璐晨, 黄涛, 李斌, 陈建文. 南黄海中-古生界地震勘探震源设计及其应用[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2019, 39(2): 200-212. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018011905
引用本文: 李玉剑, 张异彪, 刘璐晨, 黄涛, 李斌, 陈建文. 南黄海中-古生界地震勘探震源设计及其应用[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2019, 39(2): 200-212. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018011905
LI Yujian, ZHANG Yibiao, LIU Luchen, HUANG Tao, LI Bin, CHEN Jianwen. Seismic source specially designed for the Meso-Paleozoic strata and its applicaton to South Yellow Sea[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2019, 39(2): 200-212. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018011905
Citation: LI Yujian, ZHANG Yibiao, LIU Luchen, HUANG Tao, LI Bin, CHEN Jianwen. Seismic source specially designed for the Meso-Paleozoic strata and its applicaton to South Yellow Sea[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2019, 39(2): 200-212. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2018011905



南黄海油气资源调查 DD20160512

南黄海前第三系油气前景研究 XQ-2005-01

南黄海海域油气资源普查 GZH20080503


    李玉剑(1987—), 男, 硕士, 工程师, 主要从事海洋地震采集参数设计与论证, E-mail:chinaliyujian@126.com


    张异彪(1969—), 男, 高级工程师, 主要从事海洋地质、地球物理调查研究, E-mail:zyb@sopgc.com

  • 中图分类号: P738

Seismic source specially designed for the Meso-Paleozoic strata and its applicaton to South Yellow Sea

  • 摘要: 南黄海崂山隆起存在新近系底界T2强反射界面, 中深部发育多套碳酸盐岩高速层, 并经历长期的压实作用及复杂的构造运动, 波阻抗差异变小, 构造特征更为复杂, 使得地震波场复杂, 深层有效的地震反射信号较弱, 信噪比较低, 成像质量较差。为了改善中-古生界反射波成像质量, 着重对震源端进行攻关, 优化设计了2组富低频、强能量的气枪组合震源(总容量为6390in3), 分别是沉放10m的平面组合震源和“倒梯形”立体组合震源(4子阵沉放深度分别为7、10、10、7m)。通过外业试验, 优选了低频更强的平面组合震源作为地震采集震源方案。与以往地震资料进行了对比, 本次采集的地震资料能量衰减较慢, 深层能量更强, 整体改善了T2不整合面下伏反射层的成像质量, 为该区的中-古生界油气勘探奠定基础。
    Abstract: Successful seismic survey in the South Yellow Sea has been a great challenge to both researchers and oil industry for years. The seismic reflection signal from deep is always very weak and the seismic wave field very complex. Therefore, the seismic imaging quality of the deep strata has been considerably poor in the past decades. The main reasons come from: 1. there are a strong reflector (T2 seismic reflection interface) and multi-sets of carbonate strata with high seismic velocity widely distributed in the region. 2. the impedance contrast of strata is small in the region as both the Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata have suffered long-term compaction. 3. the structure of the region is too complicated as the result of strong tectonic movement. In this paper, we proposed a specific and targeted seismic survey design, especially a special air-gun source, for the purpose to improve the images from the deep part. A systematic review is made on airgun theories. The wavelet features of sigle airguns, strongly-interacting clustered airguns, weakly- interacting tuning airguns and sub-array airguns are reviewed one by one. Above it, key factors for multi-level source are analyzed, such as the sub-array depth combination and firing time-delay. Then a design approach on plane-distributed airgun source and cubic-distributed airgun source(multi-level source) are developed. A 6390in3 airgun source composed of 4 sub-arrays is specially designed for the South Yellow Sea 2016 Project. Two sets of seismic source is optimized, one is 10m in depth for all 4 sub-arrays and the other is 7m-10m-10m-7m in depth in shape of an inverted trapezoid. Field testing demonstrates that the plane-distributed airgu system with stronger low frequency components absorbs less energy and thus is more effective. It is a breakthrough indeed. Some deep strata become visible, and the seismic signal of the deep strata strengthened. The general quality of seismic images below the strong reflector (T2 seismic reflection interface) is greatly improved. The breakthrough and improvement have laid a solid foundations for future exploration of petroleum in deep strata of the region.
  • 致谢: 特别感谢青岛海洋地质研究所施剑、刘俊等在本研究工作中的悉心指导!衷心感谢杨文达、徐洪斌、周云和等专家的帮助和指导!
  • 图  1   南黄海构造区划图(据青岛海洋地质研究所,2016年)

    Figure  1.   Tectonic map of the South Yellow Sea

    图  2   南黄海某海域近道剖面多次波特征

    Figure  2.   The multiple characteristics in a near trace profile of South Yellow Sea

    图  3   南黄海某海域叠前时间偏移叠加剖面

    Figure  3.   PTSM profile along a seismic line in South Yellow Sea

    图  4   6390in3气枪组合震源平面排布示意图

    Figure  4.   Distribution of the 6390in3 source

    图  5   气枪组合震源(6390in3)不同沉放深度模拟远场子波波形对比

    Figure  5.   Comparison of the far-field seismic wavelet signature of 6390in3 source in different depths

    图  6   气枪组合震源(6390in3)不同沉放深度模拟远场子波频谱对比

    Figure  6.   Comparison of the far-field seismic wavelet spectrum of 6390in3 source in different depths

    图  7   气枪立体组合震源(6390in3)不同沉放深度模拟远场子波波形对比

    Figure  7.   Comparison of the far-field seismic wavelet spectrum of 6390in3 source in different depths

    图  8   气枪立体组合震源(6390in3)不同沉放深度模拟远场子波频谱对比

    Figure  8.   Comparison of the far-field seismic wavelet spectrum of 6390in3 source in different depths

    图  9   6390in3气枪平面组合震源和5040in3立体组合震源远场子波波形对比

    Figure  9.   Seismic wavelet comparison of 6390in3 traditional source and 5040in3 multi-level source

    图  10   6390in3气枪平面组合震源和5040in3立体组合震源远场子波频谱对比

    Figure  10.   Spectrum comparison of 6390in3 traditional source and 5040in3 multi-level source

    图  11   6390in3“倒梯形”立体组合震源和5040in3立体组合震源远场子波波形对比

    Figure  11.   Seismic wavelet comparison of 6390in3 multi-level source with inverted-trapezoid shape and 5040in3 multi-level source

    图  12   6390in3“倒梯形”立体组合震源和5040in3立体组合震源远场子波频谱对比

    Figure  12.   Spectrum comparison of 6390in3 multi-level source with inverted-trapezoid shape and 5040in3 multi-level source

    图  13   6390in3气枪平面组合震源和“倒梯形”立体组合震源远场子波波形对比

    Figure  13.   Seismic wavelet comparison of 6390in3 traditional source and multi-level source with inverted-trapezoid shape

    图  14   6390in3气枪平面组合震源和“倒梯形”立体组合震源远场子波频谱对比

    Figure  14.   Spectrum comparison of 6390in3 traditional source and multi-level source with inverted-trapezoid shape

    图  15   4组试验方案初叠剖面

    Figure  15.   Pre-stacked profiles of the 4 test plans

    图  16   4组试验方案目的层段(双程旅行时1.5~3s)频谱分析

    Figure  16.   Spectrum analysis of the target strata (double travel time 1.5~3s) of the 4 test plans

    图  17   试验方案1和4叠后偏移剖面对比(据陈建文等,2016年)

    Figure  17.   Comparison of post-migration profiles between test plan 1 and plan 4

    图  18   平面和立体组合震源电缆沉放16m子波波形对比(T=3s,Q=110)

    Figure  18.   Comparison of the seismic wavelet on conventional and multi-level source in 16m(T=3s, Q=110)

    图  19   平面和立体组合震源电缆沉放16m子波频谱对比(T=3s,Q=110)

    Figure  19.   Comparison of the seismic wavelet spectrum on conventional and multi-level source in 16m(T=3s, Q=110)

    图  20   单炮记录浅、中、深层均方根振幅对比分析

    Figure  20.   Comparison of the RMS Aptitudes on shallow, middle and deep strata in single shot gathers

    图  21   叠加剖面对比分析

    Figure  21.   Comparison of the stacked seismic profiles

    表  1   南黄海盆地地震反射界面以及地质属性(据陈建文等,2016年)

    Table  1   The seismic reflection interfaces and their geological properties

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    表  2   气枪组合震源(6390in3)不同沉放深度模拟远场子波参数统计

    Table  2   The far-field seismic wavelet parameters on 6390in3 source in different depths

    沉放深度/m 主峰值/(bar·m) 峰-峰值/(bar·m) 初泡比 低截频/(-6dB,Hz) 高截频/(-6dB,Hz) 优势频宽/(-6dB,Hz) 主频/(-6dB,Hz)
    6 113.0 234.7 26.1 6 99 93 52.5
    8 107.7 222.2 19.8 6 89 83 47.5
    10 110.6 228.0 19.9 6 66 60 36
    12 106.9 220.3 13.8 6 50 44 28
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    表  3   气枪立体组合震源(6390in3)不同沉放深度模拟远场子波参数统计

    Table  3   The far-field seismic wavelet parameters on 6390in3 source in different depths

    沉放深度/m 主峰值/
    初泡比 低截频/
    5.5/10 109.1 183.5 20.1 6 70 64 38.0
    7/10 112.6 182.5 20.6 6 70 64 38.0
    8.5/10 108.4 206.7 20.8 6 69 63 37.5
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    表  4   气枪立体组合震源(6390in3)不同组合形状模拟远场子波参数统计

    Table  4   The seismic wavelet parameters of 6390in3 multi-level source in different shapes

    序号 震源沉放
    初泡比 低截频/
    1 倒梯形7-10-10-7 112.6 182.5 20.6 6 70 64 38.0
    2 正梯形10-7-7-10 112.1 178.0 18.0 6 70 64 38.0
    3 N形10-7-10-7 112.4 178.6 15.3 6 70 64 38.0
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    表  5   地震数据采集参数试验方案

    Table  5   4 test plans for acquisition of parameters

    试验方案 震源类型 震源沉放深度/m 电缆沉放深度/m
    1 平面组合震源 10 16
    2 平面组合震源 10 20
    3 “倒梯形”立体组合震源 7-10-10-7 20
    4 “倒梯形”立体组合震源 7-10-10-7 16
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-18
  • 修回日期:  2018-03-22
  • 刊出日期:  2019-04-27


