摘要: 在对大量地震资料长期解释基础上,通过与南海周边邻区资料的类比,从南海地质构造演化背景、中生界地震反射结构特征、地层划分对比等多方面阐述了南沙海域发育中生代地层的地质背景及其地质时代归属问题,由陆及海,对比了该海域钻录井第一手资料与周边已钻遇的中生界钻井资料,指出白垩系烃源岩是一套有机质含量较高,以Ⅱ2、Ⅲ型干酪根为主的生气源岩,可形成多种油气藏类型,探讨了南沙海域及其周边中生界白垩系的油气勘探前景,为该海域中生界的油气勘探提供了依据,对拓宽我国东南近海盆地乃至华南陆间盆地前新生界新领域的油气勘探具有重要参考价值。Abstract: Based on the seismic and well data up to present and their correlation with adjacent areas,the author discussed in this paper the geological background of the Mesozoic in the Nansha area of the South China Sea,with emphasis on tectonic evolution,stratigraphic correlation and seismic data interpretation. Comparison was made for the first hand well data from this region with the data from adjacent areas onland and offshore.It is recognized that the gas-prone Cretaceous is a key source rock with high total organic carbon(TOC)and ⅢI2-Ⅲ type of kerogen,and favorable to the formation of various hydrocarbon plays. It is suggested that the pre-Tertiary deposits be significant targets for hydrocarbon exploration in both the South China Sea and the intercontinental basins in South China.
- hydrocarbon /
- the Mesozoic /
- the South China Sea
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