Numerical simulation of Mesozoic hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation in the southern East China Sea
摘要: 综合分析和盆地的生烃、排烃、运移和聚集仿真数值模拟表明,东海南部中生界发育T3-J2和K12-K2两套生烃潜力大致相当的暗色泥岩烃源岩,总生烃量达1.2×1011 t。J1-2暗色泥岩是经“油—源”对比证实的成熟有效烃源岩,K12-K2暗色泥岩是潜在烃源岩。T3-J2烃源岩生成的烃类运移聚集始于早白垩世早期,晚白垩世达到高峰;K12-K2烃源岩生成的烃类运移聚集始于晚白垩世末期,古新世末达到高峰;雁荡运动和瓯江运动及其之前形成的各类圈闭,更有利于捕获和聚集侏罗系和白垩系烃源岩生成和排出的烃类。中—新生代的多期构造运动形成的断裂和不整合面为烃类运移提供了重要优势通道,烃类多沿断裂带及附近的构造圈闭聚集。白垩系内的烃类聚集量是侏罗系的3倍,白垩系内的“构造型”和J2/K1之间不整合面附近的“构造—地层不整合复合型”是本区中生界两类重要的油气聚集,聚集模式可能包括“近源聚集”和“远源聚集”2种,成藏组合包括“自生自储自盖”、“下生上储上盖”和“新生古储新盖”3种。Abstract: Comprehensive analysis and numerical simulation are conducted for hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration and accumulation in the southern East China Sea. Results show that the dark mudstones in the T3-J2 and K12-K2 have similar hydrocarbon generation potential roughly in an amount of 1.2×1011 t. The dark mudstone developed in J1-2 has been proved a mature and effective source rock by oil and source rock correlation, whereas the dark mudstone deposited in the K12-K2 is also a potential source rock of the study area. The hydrocarbons generated by T3-J2 source rocks started migration and accumulation in Early Cretaceous and peaked in Late Cretaceous, while the hydrocarbons generated by K12-K2 source rocks started moving in Late Cretaceous and reached its peak in Late Paleocene. Traps formed by the Yandang movement, the Oujiang movement and the movements before them were favorable for capturing the hydrocarbons coming from the Jurassic and Cretaceous source rocks. Faults and unconformities formed by the Mesozoic-Cenozoic multi-stage tectonic movements provided prevailed paths for hydrocarbon to move and accumulate in the structural traps in the fault-zone in preferential position. The hydrocarbon accumulation in the Cretaceous is estimated three times more than that in the Jurassic. The structural type and the joint structural-unconformity type of accumulations near the unconformity surface between J2 and K1 is two important types of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Mesozoic. Two accumulation models i.e. the "near-source accumulation" and the "far-source accumulation", are discovered. There are three types of hydrocarbon accumulations: the accumulation synchronously generated, stored and sealed; the accumulation early generated, later stored and sealed, and the accumulations formed by later generated hydrocarbon which stored in old deposits and covered by younger sediments.
表 1 东海南部各构造单元平均沉积速率(m/Ma)简表
Table 1 Average sedimentation rate(m/Ma)for each tectonic units in the southern East China Sea
构造单元 地质时代 J K E1 E2 E3 N1 N2-Q 基隆凹陷带 85 95 100 130 100 250 300 闽江斜坡带 80 85 55 110 剥蚀 180 250 雁荡低凸起带 剥蚀 75 60 100 剥蚀 160 200 瓯江断陷带 剥蚀 剥蚀 60 100 剥蚀 160 180 -
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