
李刚, 龚建明, 杨长清, 杨传胜, 王文娟, 王海荣, 李三忠

李刚, 龚建明, 杨长清, 杨传胜, 王文娟, 王海荣, 李三忠. “大东海”中生代地层分布——值得关注的新领域[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2012, 32(3): 97-104. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1140.2012.03097
引用本文: 李刚, 龚建明, 杨长清, 杨传胜, 王文娟, 王海荣, 李三忠. “大东海”中生代地层分布——值得关注的新领域[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2012, 32(3): 97-104. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1140.2012.03097
LI Gang, GONG Jianming, YANG Changqing, YANG Chuansheng, WANG Wenjuan, WANG Hairong, LI Sanzhong. STRATIGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE MESOZOIC “GREAT EAST CHINA SEA” -A NEW EXPLORATION FIELD[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2012, 32(3): 97-104. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1140.2012.03097
Citation: LI Gang, GONG Jianming, YANG Changqing, YANG Chuansheng, WANG Wenjuan, WANG Hairong, LI Sanzhong. STRATIGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE MESOZOIC “GREAT EAST CHINA SEA” -A NEW EXPLORATION FIELD[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2012, 32(3): 97-104. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1140.2012.03097






  • 中图分类号: P736.22


  • 摘要: 以近几年重处理和新采集的地震剖面资料为基础,采用地震、钻井、重磁反演及海陆对比等综合研究方法,研究了东海陆架盆地南部中生界分布特征。前人划分的新生代3个凸起(雁荡、台北、观音)在中生代时表现为雁荡凸起从北至南并非是一个连续的凸起,而是由3个呈雁列式排列的元古界古凸起组成,向南消失;观音凸起和台北凸起上中生界厚度稳定;研究结果表明,东海陆架盆地南部中生界"分布广、厚度大"、"南厚北薄、东厚西薄",结合周边中生界分布特征提出了"大东海"(中生界)盆地这一新概念。
    Abstract: Based on the latest re-processed and newly acquired seismic data and using the integrated approaches including seismic, well drilling, inverse gravity and magnetic processing and land sea correlation, we studied the distribution of the Mesozoic in the southern East China Sea Shelf Basin, and got some new understandings about the three uplifts, namely the Yandang, Taibei and Guanyin uplifts, defined by previous studies. It is found that the Yandang Uplift is in fact not a continuously uplift from north to south, but an old Proterozoic uplift made up of three en echelon uplifts, which disappear southward. Mesozoic strata occur steadily on both the Guanyin and Taibei uplifts. Our results show that the Mesozoic strata in the Southern East China Sea Shelf Basin are quite thick and widely distributed. According to our data, it is thicker in the south and east, and thinner in the north and west. In this regard, the concept of Mesozoic Great East China Sea is proposed in this paper to conclude the new discoveries.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-01-30
  • 修回日期:  2012-04-19


