
刘欣欣, 王小杰, 徐华宁, 杨睿, 刘鸿, 陈江欣

刘欣欣,王小杰,徐华宁,等. 天然气水合物地层剪切模量参数岩石物理计算及叠前反演[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2024,44(6): 60-70. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024100802
引用本文: 刘欣欣,王小杰,徐华宁,等. 天然气水合物地层剪切模量参数岩石物理计算及叠前反演[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2024,44(6): 60-70. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024100802
LIU Xinxin,WANG Xiaojie,XU Huaning,et al. Rock physics calculation and pre-stack inversion of shear modulus parameters for natural gas hydrate-bearing sediments[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2024,44(6):60-70. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024100802
Citation: LIU Xinxin,WANG Xiaojie,XU Huaning,et al. Rock physics calculation and pre-stack inversion of shear modulus parameters for natural gas hydrate-bearing sediments[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2024,44(6):60-70. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024100802


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金“南海北部高富集天然气水合物储层特征与成藏控制机理研究”(U2244224),“西太平洋多圈层相互作用数据集成研究”(92358303);山东省自然科学基金“天然气水合物频变衰减特征定量研究”(ZR2022MD029),“跨频带融合天然气水合物储层检测研究”(ZR2021MD118)


  • 中图分类号: P736

Rock physics calculation and pre-stack inversion of shear modulus parameters for natural gas hydrate-bearing sediments

  • 摘要:



    To accurately estimate gas hydrate content using seismic data, two key problems are needed to be solved: the first is to establish the quantitative relationship between the elastic parameters and physical parameters of hydrate-bearing sediments; the second is to establish the quantitative relationship between seismic pre-stack data and the elastic parameters. In view of the above problems, we combined the microscopic structure of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in Shenhu area on the focus of its characteristics of non-zero shear modulus, used the uncoupled differential effective medium (DEM) theory and patchy saturation theory to carry out the modeling of rock physics, and established the nonlinear relationship between gas hydrate saturation and elastic parameters. Through the analysis of sensitivity and crossplots of elastic parameters, we determined that the shear modulus is a good indicator to the hydrate content. Using the pre-stack Bayesian seismic inversion method, the shear modulus of hydrate-bearing sediments were extracted from the pre-stack seismic data, and the natural gas hydrate was effectively identified. The method in this study can provide a technical support for the identification and prediction of natural gas hydrate in sea areas.

  • 天然气水合物是一种重要的战略能源和潜在未来能源,准确地探明中国的天然气水合物资源储量,有效地进行水合物资源的勘探开发,具有非常重要的战略意义、环境意义和经济意义。地震勘探是天然气水合物识别和预测的重要手段之一。地震资料上似海底反射层(BSR)、振幅空白带以及极性反转等地震反射特征[1-2],通常作为海域水合物储层的重要识别标志。地震反射主要是由储层波阻抗差异引起的,但在特定条件下岩性变化或者不整合面等原因也可能造成波阻抗差异,引起类似的地震响应。地震剖面上BSR常见于海域斜坡或者浅部海底沉积地层上,但在一些发现水合物的区域,并未表现出明显的BSR特征[3],如墨西哥湾、中国南海北部陆坡西部区域等,而且不同类型水合物储层的BSR特征也有较大差异[4-5]。BSR等地震反射特征与水合物地层并非一一对应关系,仅依靠地震反射特征难以准确识别天然气水合物[6],这对海域水合物储层的地震识别和预测提出了更高的要求。


    第二个问题是如何建立水合物储层地震信息(包括振幅、相位、频率等动力学特征以及BSR、振幅空白带等地球物理响应)与弹性参数之间定量关系。地震反演方法是天然气水合物探测的有效技术手段之一。弹性阻抗反演[17-23]、AVO(Amplitude variation with offset,振幅随偏移距的变化)及AVA(Amplitude variation with angle,振幅随入射角度的变化)反演方法[24-26]以及全波形反演[27-28]等地震反演方法已在天然气水合物探测中取得了成功应用。然而,天然气水合物地层的宏观和微观结构高度复杂、非均质性强,成藏模式随不同区域而变化,基于地震数据进行水合物地层物性信息的定量反演仍存在一定的多解性[29-30],这对水合物的定量解释和勘探提出了挑战。目前流体识别的叠前地震反演方法日趋完善,并在多个地区取得了较好的应用效果[31],而水合物地层的微观赋存形态以及宏观沉积环境区别于常规含流体储层,因此此类反演方法在水合物地层的应用还有待进一步研究。


    神狐海域位于南海北部陆坡神狐暗沙东南海域附近(图1),水合物钻探区水深为1 000~1 500 m,新生代沉积厚度达1 000~7 000 m,具有扩散型天然气水合物的成藏系统。适宜的温压条件、丰富的气源供给,加之底辟构造、高角度断裂和垂向裂隙系统等有利的运移通道,为水合物发育创造了良好的条件[32]。2006年,广州海洋地质调查局在此区域实施了三维地震采集,2007年完成了中国首次天然气水合物钻探,成功获取了天然气水合物的实物样品。

    图  1  研究区位置图
    a:神狐海域研究区构造(红色方块) ,b:研究区内水合物钻探站位分布
    Figure  1.  The location of the study area
    a: The tectonic map of the Shenhu area (red square), b: the distribution of hydrate drilling stations in the red square (enlarged)

    神狐海域水合物稳定带受到周围温压条件限制,含水合物沉积层基本上位于海底以下135~230 m,分布于强振幅BSR的上覆沉积地层中[33],大部分BSR与地层斜交,波形极性与海底同相轴极性相反,且上部发育弱振幅或者振幅空白带[34]图2)。横向上BSR反射振幅及垂向上BSR厚度均存在一定变化,主要是由于地层的孔隙度、渗透率等物性差异导致水合物饱和度不同而造成的。

    图  2  神狐海域典型地震反射剖面
    Figure  2.  A typical seismic reflection profile in the Shenhu area


    图  3  实验室获取的水合物CT图像[42]及水合物等效介质模型
    Figure  3.  CT images of gas hydrate obtained in laboratory and equivalent medium model of gas hydrate-bearing sediments
    a: Original image, b: enlarged image of the area in the red frame after grey analysis and coloring, c: equivalent medium model of gas hydrate-bearing sediments.


    图  4  水合物地层岩石物理建模流程示意图
    Figure  4.  Flowchart of the rock physics modelling



    $$\begin{split}& \left( {{\boldsymbol{K}} - {{\boldsymbol{K}}_{gr}}} \right){\left( {{\boldsymbol{K}} + 4{{{{\boldsymbol{R}}_{gr}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{\boldsymbol{R}}_{gr}}} 3}} \right. } 3}} \right)^{ - 1}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{K}}_{gr}}+ 4{{{{\boldsymbol{R}}_{gr}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{\boldsymbol{R}}_{gr}}} 3}} \right. } 3}} \right) = \\&\quad{\phi _{wc}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{K}}_w} - {{\boldsymbol{K}}_{gr}}} \right){{\boldsymbol{P}}^{wc}} \end{split}$$ (1)

    其中,${\boldsymbol{K}} = (K,\mu )$,$ K $、$ \mu $分别为基质中加入束缚水孔隙之后的体积模量和剪切模量;${{\boldsymbol{K}}_{{\text{gr}}}} = ({K_{{\text{gr}}}},{\mu _{{\text{gr}}}})$,${{\boldsymbol{K}}_{\text{w}}} = ({K_{\text{w}}},{\mu _{\text{w}}})$分别为岩石基质和水的弹性模量;$ {\phi _{{\text{wc}}}} $为束缚水孔隙的孔隙度,${\boldsymbol{R}} = \left( {\mu ,\dfrac{\mu }{8}\dfrac{{9K + 8\mu }}{{K + 2\mu }}} \right)$;系数${{\boldsymbol{P}}^{{\text{wc}}}} = ({P^{{\text{wc}}}},{Q^{{\text{wc}}}})$是几何因子,由孔隙纵横比确定。


    $$ K_{\text{d}}^{}\left( \phi \right){\text{ = }}{K_1}{(1 - \phi )^{\left( {{P^0} + {P^1}} \right)}}{e^{{P^1}\phi }} $$ (2)
    $$ \mu _{\text{d}}^{}\left( \phi \right){\text{ = }}{\mu _1}{(1 - \phi )^{\left( {{Q^0} + {Q^1}} \right)}}{e^{{Q^1}\phi }} $$ (3)

    其中,$K_{\text{d}}^{}$和$\mu _{\text{d}}^{}$分别是干燥骨架的体积模量和剪切模量;${P^0} = \dfrac{{{A_1}}}{{{A_4}}}$,${P^1} = \dfrac{{{A_2}{A_4} - {A_1}{A_5}}}{{A_4^2}}$,${Q^0} = \dfrac{{{C_1}}}{{{C_4}}} + \dfrac{{{D_1}}}{{{D_4}}}$,${Q^1} = \dfrac{{{C_2}{C_4} - {C_1}{C_5}}}{{C_4^2}} + \dfrac{{{D_2}{D_4} - {D_1}{D_5}}}{{D_4^2}}$,$ A_1,A_2.\ldots A_5 $,$ C_1,C_2.\ldots C_5 $和$ D_1,D_2.\ldots D_5 $等是与固体基质和孔隙纵横比有关的参数,具体表达式见文献[44]。根据Xu和White(1995)的岩石物理建模思想[45],假设硬币状孔隙的孔隙度与黏土体积含量成正比,其余的孔隙为椭球形孔隙。


    $$ K_{\text{s}}^{ - 1} = K_{\text{d}}^{ - 1} - {\left( {K_{\text{d}}^{ - 1} - K_{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \right)^2}{\left[ {\phi \left( {K_{if}^{ - 1} - K_\phi ^{ - 1}} \right) + \left( {K_{\text{d}}^{ - 1} - K_{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \right)} \right]^{ - 1}} $$ (4)
    $$ \mu _{\text{s}}^{ - 1} = \mu _{\text{d}}^{ - 1} - {\left( {\mu _{\text{d}}^{ - 1} - \mu _{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \right)^2}{\left[ {\phi \left( {\mu _{if}^{ - 1} - \mu _\phi ^{ - 1}} \right) + \left( {\mu _{\text{d}}^{ - 1} - \mu _{\text{m}}^{ - 1}} \right)} \right]^{ - 1}} $$ (5)

    其中,$ {\mu _{\text{s}}} $是水合物充填斑块的剪切模量,$ {K_\phi } $和$ {\mu _\phi } $分别是与孔隙相关的体积模量和剪切模量,$ {K_{if}} $和$ {\mu _{if}} $分别是第$i$种孔隙充填物的体积和剪切模量。利用广义Gassmann方程可以得到固体(如有机质、水合物等)充填于孔隙情况下的饱和岩石的弹性模量。


    $$ {K_{\text{R}}} = {\left\langle {{{\left( {K + 4{\mu \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\mu 3}} \right. } 3}} \right)}^{ - 1}}} \right\rangle ^{ - 1}} - 4{\mu \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\mu 3}} \right. } 3} $$ (6)
    $$ {\mu _{\text{R}}} = {\left( {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{{{f_i}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{f_i}} {{\mu _i}}}} \right. } {{\mu _i}}}} } \right)^{ - 1}} $$ (7)

    其中,$ {K_{\text{R}}} $和${\mu _{\text{R}}}$分别表示饱和沉积物的等效体积和剪切模量;${f_i}$为其体积含量;$ \left\langle \cdot \right\rangle $表示对每个斑块按体积含量进行加权平均;$ {\mu _i} $为第$ i $个斑块的剪切模量。


    表  1  数值计算所选用的弹性常数
    Table  1.  The elastic constants used for numerical calculation
    石英37.044.02.65Carmichale, 1989
    黏土21.07.02.60Tosaya and Nur, 1982
    水合物7.73.20.91Waite et al, 2000
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    图  5  水合物地层纵波速度(a)和剪切模量(b)随水合物剪切模量的变化
    Figure  5.  P-wave velocity (a) and shear modulus (b) of gas hydrate-bearing sediments versus shear modulus of gas hydrate component


    $$ {D_{{S_i}}} = \left| {\frac{{{P_{{S_i}}} - {P_{{S_0}}}}}{{{P_{{S_0}}}}}} \right| $$ (8)


    图  6  不同弹性参数的敏感性评价指标
    Figure  6.  Sensitivity indicator for hydrate content of different elastic parameters

    2007年在神狐海域共实施了8个天然气水合物钻探站位,其中SH2、SH3和SH7站位钻遇了水合物样品。其中SH2站位水合物厚度约25 m,位于海底以下195~220 m,平均饱和度25%[49],最高值达48%,部分测井曲线如图7所示。

    图  7  SH2站位测井曲线
    Figure  7.  Well logging data of SH2 site
    The green section represents hydrate-bearing sediments.

    针对本研究区内的SH2站位,使用上述建模方法计算站位处的弹性参数。硬币状孔隙和椭球形孔隙各自的纵横比根据实测纵波速度反演求得。计算得到的纵横波速度以及剪切模量如图8所示。计算的纵波速度和与实测纵波速度有较好的一致性,两者相关系数为0.824,方差为0.0182,绝对误差平均值为48.49 m/s。对计算得到的弹性参数进行交会分析(图9),实测纵波速度和自然伽马对水合物含量的区分能力有限,而剪切模量对于水合物含量有较好的指示作用,较高水合物饱和度的地层对应着较高的剪切模量。

    图  8  SH2站位水合物地层的水合物饱和度及弹性参数计算结果
    Figure  8.  Calculation results of hydrate saturation and elastic parameters of hydrate strata at SH2 site
    a: hydrate saturation calculated according to the measured resistivity, b: P-wave velocity (red curve represents the measured value, black curve represents the calculated value), c: calculated shear wave velocity; d: calculated shear modulus.
    图  9  SH2站位水合物地层弹性参数交会图
    Figure  9.  Crossplots of elastic parameters of hydrate-bearing sediments at SH2 site
    a: Crossplot of measured P-wave velocity and measured Gamma, b: crossplot of calculated bulk modulus and shear modulus.


    $$ {\text{EI}}(\theta ) = {({M_0}{\rho _0})^{\frac{1}{2}}}{\left( {\frac{M}{{{M_0}}}} \right)^{a(\theta )}}{\left( {\frac{\mu }{{{\mu _0}}}} \right)^{b(\theta )}}{\left( {\frac{\rho }{{{\rho _0}}}} \right)^{c(\theta )}} $$ (9)

    其中,$ {\text{EI}} $为弹性阻抗,$ M $和$ \mu $分别为饱和岩石的纵波模量和剪切模量(横波模量),$a = \frac{1}{2}{\sec ^2}\theta $,$ b = - 4\gamma _{}^2{\sin ^2}\theta $,$c = 1 - \frac{1}{2}{\sec ^2}\theta $,$\theta $为入射角。



    图  10  SH2站位水合物地层弹性参数交会图
    Figure  10.  Seismic, elastic impedance, and inverted shear modulus profiles of SH2 site
    The blue curve is the measured P-wave velocity of SH2 site. a: Partial stack seismic profile at centric angle of 20°; b: elastic impedance profile at centric angle of 20°; c: inverted shear modulus profile.




  • 图  1   研究区位置图

    a:神狐海域研究区构造(红色方块) ,b:研究区内水合物钻探站位分布

    Figure  1.   The location of the study area

    a: The tectonic map of the Shenhu area (red square), b: the distribution of hydrate drilling stations in the red square (enlarged)

    图  2   神狐海域典型地震反射剖面

    Figure  2.   A typical seismic reflection profile in the Shenhu area

    图  3   实验室获取的水合物CT图像[42]及水合物等效介质模型


    Figure  3.   CT images of gas hydrate obtained in laboratory and equivalent medium model of gas hydrate-bearing sediments

    a: Original image, b: enlarged image of the area in the red frame after grey analysis and coloring, c: equivalent medium model of gas hydrate-bearing sediments.

    图  4   水合物地层岩石物理建模流程示意图

    Figure  4.   Flowchart of the rock physics modelling

    图  5   水合物地层纵波速度(a)和剪切模量(b)随水合物剪切模量的变化

    Figure  5.   P-wave velocity (a) and shear modulus (b) of gas hydrate-bearing sediments versus shear modulus of gas hydrate component

    图  6   不同弹性参数的敏感性评价指标

    Figure  6.   Sensitivity indicator for hydrate content of different elastic parameters

    图  7   SH2站位测井曲线


    Figure  7.   Well logging data of SH2 site

    The green section represents hydrate-bearing sediments.

    图  8   SH2站位水合物地层的水合物饱和度及弹性参数计算结果


    Figure  8.   Calculation results of hydrate saturation and elastic parameters of hydrate strata at SH2 site

    a: hydrate saturation calculated according to the measured resistivity, b: P-wave velocity (red curve represents the measured value, black curve represents the calculated value), c: calculated shear wave velocity; d: calculated shear modulus.

    图  9   SH2站位水合物地层弹性参数交会图


    Figure  9.   Crossplots of elastic parameters of hydrate-bearing sediments at SH2 site

    a: Crossplot of measured P-wave velocity and measured Gamma, b: crossplot of calculated bulk modulus and shear modulus.

    图  10   SH2站位水合物地层弹性参数交会图


    Figure  10.   Seismic, elastic impedance, and inverted shear modulus profiles of SH2 site

    The blue curve is the measured P-wave velocity of SH2 site. a: Partial stack seismic profile at centric angle of 20°; b: elastic impedance profile at centric angle of 20°; c: inverted shear modulus profile.

    表  1   数值计算所选用的弹性常数

    Table  1   The elastic constants used for numerical calculation

    石英37.044.02.65Carmichale, 1989
    黏土21.07.02.60Tosaya and Nur, 1982
    水合物7.73.20.91Waite et al, 2000
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