
冯柳柳, 陈艇

冯柳柳,陈艇. 长江流域风成黄土研究进展与展望[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2024,44(2): 16-32. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024013101
引用本文: 冯柳柳,陈艇. 长江流域风成黄土研究进展与展望[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2024,44(2): 16-32. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024013101
FENG Liuliu,CHEN Ting. Progress and prospect in the study of Aeolian Loess in the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2024,44(2):16-32. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024013101
Citation: FENG Liuliu,CHEN Ting. Progress and prospect in the study of Aeolian Loess in the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2024,44(2):16-32. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024013101


基金项目: 重庆市博士直通车科研项目“三峡库区巫山黄土高精度古地磁年代学研究”(CSTB2022BSXM-JCX0144);重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目(KJQN202100544)




  • 中图分类号: P534.63

Progress and prospect in the study of Aeolian Loess in the Yangtze River Basin

  • 摘要:



    The loess deposition in China is an important archive of the Quaternary paleoclimate-paleoenvironmental signals. Other than the Loess Plateau, loess brough by wind deposited in the upper, middle, and lower Yangtze River basin during the Quaternary. Understanding the provenance, transportation dynamics, and post-depositional weathering processes of loess in these humid regions is important for the study of the past changes of the East Asian monsoon in the Yangtze River Basin, and is also of great significance for investigating the carbon sequestration effect during the chemical weathering process of the fine-grained loess in the humid regions. Although much studies have been conducted on loess deposition in various regions of the Yangtze River Basin, the material transport processes in different regions of the Yangtze River Basin, their interconnections, and their roles in carbon sequestration are still unclear. Here, we overviewed the latest understanding of the formation age, sources, and paleoclimatic records of the loesses in the western Sichuan, Jinsha River, Wushan, and Xiashu in the Yangtze River Basin. we found that the formation of loess in the west Sichuan, Wushan and Xiashu regions were tightly linked to the three uplift phases of the Tibetan Plateau, namely the Tibetan Movement B, the Kunlun and Yellow River Movement and the Gonghe Movement. In addition, the weathering degree of loess depositions in the Yangtze River Basin are stronger than that of loess on the Loess Plateau both during the glacial and interglacial periods. We proposed that the influence of the chemical weathering process of loess on terrestrial carbon sequestration and its correlation with paleoclimate changes are the focus of future research on loess in humid regions, e.g., the Yangtze River Basin.

  • 图  1   中国黄土分布及研究区分布图

    参考自文献[23- 24]。底图来自自然资源部标准底图服务系统;世界底图审图号:GS(2016)665号;中国底图审图号:GS(2023)2765号。

    Figure  1.   The distribution of loess in China and the locations of the study areas (starred)

    References from [23- 24]. The base map is taken from the standard base map service system of the Ministry of Natural Resources. World regional Base map No. GS (2016) No. 665; China regional base map review No. GS(2023)2765.

    图  2   川西黄土剖面分布、成因、海拔/沉积厚度及其形成年代


    Figure  2.   Distribution of loess profiles, origination, elevation/depositional thicknesses, and ages of formation in the western Sichuan Province

    a: Information and distribution of typical loess profiles in the western Sichuan, b: distribution of loess near Ganzi. The yellow numbers represent the depositional age of loess in the profile, and the black numbers represent the elevation/depositional thickness.

    图  3   巫山黄土剖面分布、成因、海拔/沉积厚度及其形成年代


    Figure  3.   Distribution, genesis, elevation/depositional thickness and age of the Wushan Loess

    a: The range of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, b: distribution of typical profile of Wushan Loess, c: distribution of loess at Zigui. The yellow number represents the depositional age of loess in the profile, and the black fonts represent the elevation/depositional thickness.

    图  4   下蜀黄土剖面分布、成因、海拔/沉积厚度及其形成年代

    a:长江下游下蜀黄土典型剖面信息以及分布图, b:黄土分布密集区。黄色数字代表该剖面黄土的沉积年龄,绿色数字代表海拔/沉积厚度。

    Figure  4.   Distribution, genesis, elevation/depositional thickness, and age of the Xiashu Loess

    a: Information and distribution of Xiashu Loess in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, b: Enlarged view of the dense distribution area of loess. The yellow numbers represent the depositional age of loess in the profile, and the green numberts represent the elevation/depositional thickness.

    图  5   川西黄土、巫山黄土、下蜀黄土形成过程模式图

    Figure  5.   The formation processes of the western Sichuan loess, Wushan Loess, and Xiashu Loess

    图  6   第四纪期间青藏高原隆升与长江流域风尘黄土堆积时间对比图


    Figure  6.   Comparison of the timing of the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the accumulation of wind-dusted loess in the Yangtze River Basin during the Quaternary

    The data of Tibetan Plateau uplift stage are taken from reference [118].

    图  7   长江流域与黄土高原黄土-古土壤风化指标数据


    Figure  7.   Data of loess-paleosols weathering indexes in the Yangtze River basin and the Loess Plateau

    a: Chemical weathering index,b: percentage of frequency magnetization.

    表  1   长江流域黄土成因及物源

    Table  1   Genesis and provenance of loess in the Yangtze River Basin

    剖面 海拔/沉积厚度/m 方法 成因 物源 参考文献
    川西地区 甘孜剖面 3480/86 粒度分析、REE 风成黄土 近源高原内部堆积 [71]
    甘孜满地剖面 / 粒度、孢粉、冰楔构造分析 风成黄土 近源高原内部堆积 [38]
    GZ-1-2 3431 微量元素和稀土元素分析 风成黄土 近源高原内部堆积 [72]
    甘孜五级阶地剖面 3455/14.5 环境磁学、地球化学元素 风成黄土 近源高原内部堆积 [73]
    Garze A /28.5 微量元素、REE和Sm-Nd同位素 风成黄土 近源高原内部堆积 [56]
    甘孜寺剖面 3538/15.3(见底) 石英颗粒表面形态分析 风成黄土 近源高原内部堆积 [74]
    九寨沟荷叶黄土剖面 / 矿物成分及石英砂表面结构分析 冰川黄土 近源堆积 [75]
    / 粒度、REE、微量元素分析等 风成黄土 有多源性特征
    可尔因剖面 / 黄土粒度分析、石英表面形态观察 风成黄土 近源堆积 [76]
    叠溪剖面 2394 /(见底) 粒度分析、稀土和微量元素 风成黄土 远源堆积 [62]
    SC剖面A, X剖面, LBZ剖面 / 粒度、常量元素与稀土元素特征
    风成黄土 近源堆积 [36]
    唐克索克藏寺剖面 3445/ 粒度组分、石英砂的表面结构、冰楔构造、孢粉 风成黄土 近源堆积 [77]
    佳山剖面 2060/ 粒度、矿物组成\常量元素与稀土元素特征 风成黄土 近源堆积 [7]
    巫山地区 巫山师范学校剖面/秭归楚王台剖面 / 粒度、重矿物、化学成分和石英电镜扫描分析 多成因 近源堆积 [78]
    双堰塘 /3.7 粒度分析、常量元素组分分析 多成因 混合堆积 [58]
    望天坪剖面 1350/3.1 粒度特征 风成沉积物 混合堆积 [79]
    粒度参数特征 风成成因 混合堆积 [80]
    粒度特征 风成成因 远源堆积 [35]
    巫山博物馆剖面 258/5 分析Sa、CIA、Na/K、铁游离度等风化指标 风积成因 来源复杂 [81]
    江东嘴剖面 /3.6 粒度特征 多成因 近源堆积 [35]
    势大岭剖面 /8.2 粒度特征 多成因 / [67]
    圣泉剖面/客运港剖面 248/15 REE分析 风积成因 混合成因 [82]
    常量元素分析 风积成因 / [83]
    元素地球化学特征 风积成因 远源堆积 [84]
    分析Sr和Nd同位素组成 风积成因 远源堆积 [67]
    稀土元素特征值 风积成因 远源堆积 [24]
    分析Sr和Nd同位素组成 风积成因 近源堆积为主 [85]
    粒度特征 风成沉积 近源河谷风成沉积 [35]
    下蜀地区 大港剖面 26.5/59.5 粒度分析 风成堆积 混合堆积 [41, 86-87]
    周家山剖面 65/51 粒度组成分析 风成堆积 混合堆积 [11,85,88-89]
    老虎山剖面 50/30 粒度、矿物化学成分 混合成因 远源堆积 [90]
    仙林剖面 / 环境磁学、地球化学特征 风成堆积 混合堆积 [91]
    燕子矶剖面 26/23 / / 远源堆积 [92]
    地球化学元素 风成堆积 远源堆积 [66]
    青山剖面 36/20 粒度分析 风成堆积 / [26]
    下蜀地区 Mufushan剖面 / 锆石U-Pb年龄和同位素地球
    多成因说 混合堆积 [93]
    / 粒度成分、主元素和微量元素组成的分析结果 风成堆积 近源堆积 [53]
    宣城剖面 / 元素地球化学 风成堆积 近源来源 [94]
    / 风成堆积 近源堆积 [95]
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    表  2   长江流域黄土沉积年龄

    Table  2   Sedimentary age of loess in the Yangtze River Basin

    地区 剖面 海拔/沉积厚度/m 测年方法 年龄/ka 可靠性证据 参考文献
    甘孜寺剖面 3538/15.3(见底) OSL&古地磁 1160
    热退磁(−620°C)、有退磁结果的剩磁矢量正交投影图;存在B/M倒转以及贾拉米洛正极性亚时的2个界限点年龄、2个OSL样品(样品A:12 ka;样品B:
    79 ka)(一共存在5个绝对年龄值)
    [45, 102]
    新市区剖面, 满地剖面 3390/23.7
    (两剖面综合得到的深度为30.2 m)
    古地磁&TL 120 热退磁、热释光两剖面各存在2个(新市:4.2 m、11 m;满地:3.2 m、13.1 m) [103]
    甘孜六级阶地剖面 3480/32(见底) 1130
    (74±5) ka
    叠溪剖面 2394 /(见底) 14C&OSL 62 14C一个、OSL两个(3个控制点都集中于380~450 cm) [62]
    九寨沟荷叶黄土剖面 / 14C&ESR 321 14C两个控制点、ESR存在4个控制点 [75]
    甘孜A剖面 3483/32.5(见底) 古地磁 1160 热退磁(100~675°C)、存在B/M倒转、有退磁结果的剩磁矢量正交投影图 [56,106]
    金川角木牛剖面 3538/46.2 2840 热退磁(存在B/M和M/G两个倒转界限) [107-108]
    甘孜剖面 3480/86(见底) 800
    热退磁、存在B/M界限 [30, 71]
    金川马厂剖面 2480/19.4 200 热退磁、未出现B/M界限 [109]
    茂县三级阶地黄土 ERS 62 3个阶地的样品、1个黄土样品 [110]
    可尔因剖面 / 206~145 6个控制点 [76]
    唐克索克藏寺剖面 3445/ 128 2个样品控制点 [77]
    布瓦剖面 1990/ OSL 23.1±1.8 2个样品控制点 [7]
    佳山剖面 2060/ 43.3±1.9 2个样品控制点
    喇嘛寺剖面 1995/ 9.3±0.9 2个样品控制点
    汪布顶剖面 /8 128 / [29]
    漳腊剖面 3030/9.5 磁化率年龄模型 157.6±1.18 / [110]
    圣泉剖面/客运港剖面 /15(见底) 14C 12.1 / [111]
    OSL 100 / [82]
    /10 44.4 4个样品控制点 [10]
    OSL&古地磁 900 3个OSL测年样品(青山2个,大港1个);热退磁(−620°C)、有退磁结果的剩磁矢量正交投影图、大港存在B/M倒转 [26, 41]
    周家山剖面 /50.7(见底) 880 1.4 m的OSL年龄(>50 ka)和B/M边界年龄(0.78 Ma),基于该堆积速率推得底部年龄约为880 ka [11, 85]
    青山剖面 36/20(见底) 900 6个OSL测年样品(25.4~270.9 ka); 热退磁(680°C)存在B/M倒转 [40]
    大港剖面 26.6/59.5 古地磁测年 700~800 2个OSL测年样品(根据剖面磁化率旋回 ,与北方黄土地层以及深海氧同位素阶段 ( M IS)对比 ,推算大港剖面的下限年代约为700~ 800 ka) [40]
    燕子矶剖面 /23 220 交变退磁;从 0到22.5 m T逐步退磁 [112]
    新生抒剖面 /33(见底) 红外释光 500 6个红外释光样品 [113]
    仙林剖面 45/7.1 OSL 139.7±14.8 2处OSL年龄 [91]
    周家山剖面 /6.1 ESR测年 350 / [88]
    燕子矶剖面 /26.5 563.6 / [92]
    宣城剖面 /11 700
    / [27, 114]
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