

董玉祥. 中国海岸风沙地貌的类型及其分布规律[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(4): 99-104.
引用本文: 董玉祥. 中国海岸风沙地貌的类型及其分布规律[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(4): 99-104.
DONG Yu-xiang. THE COASTAL AEOLIAN GEOMORPHIC TYPES AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION PATTERN IN CHINA[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(4): 99-104.
Citation: DONG Yu-xiang. THE COASTAL AEOLIAN GEOMORPHIC TYPES AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION PATTERN IN CHINA[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(4): 99-104.







  • 中图分类号: P737.1


  • 摘要: 通过对我国海岸风沙地貌类型体系及其分布规律的分析总结,提出了一个包括2类、3亚类和13个三级形态类型的中国海岸风沙地貌分类体系,简要介绍了各类海岸风沙地貌的分布,总结了我国海岸风沙地貌的分布特点及其规律。结果表明,我国海岸风沙地貌具有分布范围广泛,规模较小且分布零散,分布地形多样,河口地区分布较集中,区域特征显著,类型与规模差异较大等特点,究其原因是由各地的沙源、气候与地势等海岸风沙地貌形成发育条件的差异造成。
    Abstract: On the basis of analysis on the coastal aeolian geomorphic types and their distribution pattern in China, the type system of coastal aeolian landforms in China is presented, and the distribution of every coastal Aeolian landform and its distribution patterns are discussed in detail. The results show that coastal aeolian landforms in China are characterized by wide distribution extent, scattering and small-scale distribution in different topographic forms, more concentrated distribution in estuarine areas, obvious regional features, and great difference in type and scale, which mainly result from sand source conditions and geomorphic background as well as climatic features. Their differences in region lead to the different distributions of different types of coastal aeolian landforms in China.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-12-30
  • 修回日期:  2006-03-30


