摘要: 为了解南海西沙海槽区的地热特征,利用Ewing型地热探针在该区开展了地热测量,并利用TK04热导率仪测量了相关站位表层沉积物样品的热导率,获得了7个站位的热流数据。结果表明,研究区7个站位的热导率变化范围为0.88~1.06 W/m·K,平均为0.96 W/m·K,地温梯度变化范围为85~120℃/km,热流值变化范围为83~112 mW/m2,平均达到95 mW/m2。分析表明测量结果与20世纪80年代中美合作在西沙海槽的地热测量结果一致性较好,说明研究区仍具有高热流特征,推测高热流特征可能与本区高热背景、莫霍面埋深较浅、断裂发育、晚期岩浆活动和基底起伏等有关。Abstract: To investigate the geothermal characteristics in the Xisha Trough of the South China Sea, geothermal measurements were done in the area with a Ewing type heat probe, and thermal conductivities of the samples, collected from the heat flow sites, were measured with a thermal conductivity meter of TK04, and a heat flow profile with 7 heat flow stations was successfully obtained. The results show that the thermal conductivity of the top sediment ranges from 0.88 to 1.06 W/m·K, with an average of 0.96 W/m·K, and geothermal gradient ranges from 85 to 120℃/km, and heat flow ranges from 83 to 112 mW/m2, with an average of 95 mW/m2, which is according with the results of the geothermal measurement in the Xisha Trough area jointly conducted by the scientists of China and USA in 1980s. The accordance of two different measurements suggests that heat flow in the area is really quite high. The character of high heat flow is thought to be related with both regional and local factors, such as high heat flow background, the uplifted Moho surface, faulting activities, latest magmatism, and the undulation of the basement.
- heat probe /
- geothermal gradient /
- thermal conductivity /
- marine heat flow /
- Xisha Trough
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