
赵焕庭, 王丽荣, 袁家义

赵焕庭, 王丽荣, 袁家义. 琼州海峡成因与时代[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2007, 27(2): 33-40.
引用本文: 赵焕庭, 王丽荣, 袁家义. 琼州海峡成因与时代[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2007, 27(2): 33-40.
ZHAO Huan-ting, WANG Li-rong, YUAN Jia-yi. ORIGIN AND TIME OF QIONGZHOU STRAIT[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2007, 27(2): 33-40.
Citation: ZHAO Huan-ting, WANG Li-rong, YUAN Jia-yi. ORIGIN AND TIME OF QIONGZHOU STRAIT[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2007, 27(2): 33-40.










  • 中图分类号: P736.2


  • 摘要: 琼州海峡的成因有海岸侵蚀说、构造断裂说和海侵低地说,海南岛与雷州半岛分离的时代有上新世、第四纪初、中更新世之前、中更新世之后或全新世等几种说法。分析了琼州海峡地质、海洋和区域古生物地理等新资料后认为,琼州海峡不是断裂谷,其前身是常态低地,是在全新世中期全球性海侵淹没峡区原来的常态低地而成的,主要形成时段为(10 570±560)~(7 125±96) aBP;推算自琼州海峡形成以来,中央深槽下切平均速度为0.7 cm/a,西口外潮流三角洲堆积平均速率为0.17~0.31 cm/a。
    Abstract: The origin of Qiongzhou Strait has 3 causes:coast erosion, tectonic rifing and marine transgression. And the time for Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula to separate from each other also has some explanations:Pliocene, the beginning of Quaternary, before middle Pleistocene, after middle Pleistocene and Holocene. The latest data about the geology, oceanography and regional palaeo-biogeography of Qiongzhou Strait are analyzed in the paper, and it is thought that Qiongzhou Strait is not a rift. It grew out of a normal low land, and was formed in the middle Holocene, about (10 570±560)~(7 125±96) aBP, when marine transgressed the original normal low land. It is inferred that the average speed of central trough valley undercutting is 0.7 cm·a-1, and the average speed of tidal current delta accumulation outside the west mouth is 0.17~0.31 cm·a-1 after the Qiongzhou Strait formed.
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