摘要: 曾母盆地作为发育于古巽他陆架上的盆地,南部的古巽他河所携带的巨量沉积物和曾母盆地的陆架特征使得陆架边缘三角洲在曾母盆地南部发育成为必然。通过对曾母盆地中中新世以来陆架边缘三角洲的地震、钻井及进积特征分析,认为曾母盆地内陆架边缘三角洲的沉积形态呈分别向陆和向海减薄的楔形体,古巽他河携带多期次的沉积物向陆坡沉积过程中形成多套沉积复合体,这些沉积体由于具有良好的生储条件,因而具有重要的油气勘探价值。Abstract: The Zengmu basin lies in the Sunda shelf. A great number of sediments brought in by the ancient Sunda River and features of Zengmu basin shelf may have made shelf-margin deltas develop in the south of the basin,and such shelf-margin deltas in the south of the Zengmu basin have also been proved through the analysis of drilling core and seismic characteristics. The sedimentary bodies in the shelf-margin deltas of the basin occur as wedges thinning towards land and sea.The sediments brought by the Sunda River formed many sets of sedimentary complexes. These sedimentary bodies have good oil and gas prospects because of good source-reservoir conditions of them.
- shelf-margin delta /
- the Zengmu basin
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