
王大勇, 陆现彩, 徐士进, 杨杰东

王大勇, 陆现彩, 徐士进, 杨杰东. 深海沉积重晶石在古海洋研究中的应用[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(4): 67-71.
引用本文: 王大勇, 陆现彩, 徐士进, 杨杰东. 深海沉积重晶石在古海洋研究中的应用[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(4): 67-71.
WANG Da-yong, LU Xian-cai, XU Shi-jin, YANG Jie-dong. APPLICATION OF ABYSSAL BENTHIC BARITE TO PALEOCEANOGRAPHIC STUDIES[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(4): 67-71.
Citation: WANG Da-yong, LU Xian-cai, XU Shi-jin, YANG Jie-dong. APPLICATION OF ABYSSAL BENTHIC BARITE TO PALEOCEANOGRAPHIC STUDIES[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(4): 67-71.






  • 中图分类号: P736.4


  • 摘要: 深海沉积成因重晶石作为重要的古海洋环境指示物,被广泛应用于新生代海洋化学和古生产力的重建,成为全球变化研究的重要分析对象之一。近年来,在重构古海洋生产力和古海水锶含量、锶同位素组成等方面的研究中取得了显著的进展。从目前该领域的研究实践来看,利用深海沉积重晶石进行古海洋研究还需要针对性地解决两方面问题:①形成重晶石沉淀的海洋微环境的时空分布及其物理化学条件;②深海沉积重晶石的采样、筛选和分析方法。上述问题是当前研究的难点,也是制约重晶石广泛用于古海洋研究的基本问题。
    Abstract: Abyssal benthic barite, as a reliable proxy of paleoclimate, is widely used for reconstruction of Cenozoic marine chemistry properties and paleoproductivity. In recent years, some notable progress has been made in the reconstruction of paleoproductivity, strontium concentration and isotopic composition of ancient seawater. In the views of new approaches in this topic, two crucial problems are proposed to be emphasized on future researches:①the spatial-temporal distribution and physiochemical properties of the microenvironment where the marine barite precipitated is not fully verified; ②sampling and chemical analysis methods need to be improved. Both aspects are also the constraints for the application of barite to the paleoceanographic researches in the future.
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