摘要: 位于南沙东部海域的礼乐盆地是一大型的中、新生代叠置盆地,其特有的地质背景及巨厚的中生代地层显示了其与南沙海域其他新生代沉积盆地的差异。盆地内发育的厚度超过4 000 m的中生代海相地层,主要包括了上侏罗统-下白垩统的滨-浅海相含煤碎屑岩或半深海相页岩、上三叠统-下侏罗统三角洲-浅海相砂泥岩和中三叠统深海硅质页岩等3套地层,展示出盆地具有良好的油气生成潜力。而早期位于华南陆缘、现今位于南沙东部海域的礼乐盆地中生界,完全具备了形成油气藏的基本石油地质条件,具有较为良好的油气资源潜力,其中生界油气资源勘探具有非常重要的意义,将成为我国海域油气勘探的一个重要新领域。Abstract: Liyue basin is a large-size Mesozoic-Cenozoic superposed basin, which is located in the east of Nansha sea areas and characterized by special geological setting and huge thick Mesozoic strata, showing great difference from other basins of Nansha sea areas. The Mesozoic marine strata, with a thickness of more than 4 000 m, mainly consist of three sets of strata, that is, littoral-neritic coal-bearing clastic rocks or hemipelagic shales of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous, delta-neritic sandstone and mudstone of Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic and pelagic silicite of Middle Triassic, displaying good hydrocarbon-generation potential. Liyue basin was located in the continental margin of South China in the past, now in the east of Nansha sea areas, and its Mesozoic strata have the basic petroleum geological conditions to form oil reservoir and good hydrocarbon resources potential. Mesozoic oil and gas exploration has very important significance and probably become an important new window for sea oil and gas exploration.
- Hydrocarbon resources potential /
- Mesozoic /
- Liyue basin
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