摘要: 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷平湖构造带深部普遍发育异常高压,对研究区的异常压力的分布特征、主导成因及其对油气成藏的影响进行了系统研究。平湖构造带深部储层和泥岩现今普遍发育超压,且不同区带超压主导成因不同;超压对有机质的热演化和烃类的生成无明显影响,对储集层物性有保存和改善作用,对油气运聚先起动力作用促进再运移,后起封堵作用形成聚集,对深部泥质盖层起超压封盖作用。Abstract: Overpressure is generally developed in deep layer in Pinghu structural belts of Xihu depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin. Distribution characteristics, dominant factors of overpressure formation and their effects on the reservoir formation are systematicaly studied in this paper. The result shows that overpressure is generally developed in reservoir and mudstone of deep layer in the Pinghu structural belts, and the dominant factors of overpressure formation are different in related subunits; overpressure has no obvious effect on the thermal evolution of organic matter, but has contributed to the physical property of reservoirs; overpressure firstly accelerated hydrocarbon remigration in the early stage, but sealed off hydrocarbon to accumulate in the original place in the late period; overpressure enhanced sealing ability of deep mud cap rocks.
- Pinghu structural belts /
- overpressure /
- reservoir formation /
- Xihu Depression
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