摘要: 通过对近10年来中国近海海平面变化研究成果的分析得出:(1)中国海域海平面变化时空差异明显,沿海海平面高值出现在8-9月,最低值出现在2-3月,季节最大差值可达20.75 cm;黄海和东海海区东南高、西北低;南海夏季西低东高,冬季东低西高;从辽宁到广西海平面上升速率差异大,范围在-2.1~10 mm/a之间;相对海平面上升较快区域主要是黄河三角洲、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲,2050年3个地区海平面预计分别上升980、720、520 mm。(2)地面沉降已经成为中国东部沿海相对海平面上升速率高的重要影响因素,在黄河三角洲和长江三角洲人口密集地区尤为突出。(3)每年8-9月为我国一年中的海平面最高月份,此时也正是热带气旋影响中国东南沿海的高峰时段,在季风、热带气旋等共同作用下,东南沿海高海平面将对东南沿海城市安全构成严重威胁。Abstract: By analyzing and summarizing the recent 10-years' research harvests of sea level change in the east inshore area of China. It was found:(1) in the Chinese sea area, sea level change space-time-diversity was much in evidence. The highest value appeared in August and September, the lowest appeared in February and March. Season difference arrived at 20.75cm. In the Yellow Sea and East Sea, the southeast area was high and the northwest was low. In the South China Sea, sea level of the western area was high and the eastern was low in summer, on the contrary in winter. From Liaoning to Guangxi, the sea level rise velocity was difference, the variety ranged -2.1~10 mm/a. Relative sea level rise rate changed rapidly in some delta area, such as the Changjiang River delta, the Yellow River and the Zhujiang River delta. Into the 2050, in these delta areas sea level may rise separately 980 mm, 720 mm and 520 mm. (2) Ground subsidence has been one of important influencing ingredient to relative sea level rising rapidly in the coastal region of China, especially, in some deltas where density of population is great. At the same time, east wind may be boost up the sea level rise velocity in the coastal region of China. (3) It is in August and September that sea level reached the highest value in the coastal region of China and at one time the region was attacked by typhoon. At the function of the typhoon and high sea level together, southeast coastal cities security will be threatened.
- Sea level change /
- Dangerous seacoast /
- City safety /
- China coast
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