摘要: 湖泊沉积物作为揭示古环境、古气候变迁的最佳载体,它完整地记录了地质历史时期区域气候、植被以及人类活动的演化轨迹。而沉积色素是研究湖泊沉积的重要代用指标,它们对于重建区域初级生产力、反演区域生态环境提供了有用的信息。本文在综述国际上生物色素在湖泊沉积中研究进展的同时,着重阐述了它们在湖泊沉积物中的保存、生物输入源的识别以及对区域生态环境变化的响应等方面的研究动态;讨论了色素在利用湖泊沉积研究环境变化方面的发展前景,指出随着分析技术的发展,沉积色素将在重建古气候、古环境演化方面具有优势。Abstract: As a good carrier of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment, lake sediments could be a reflector of the evolution history of climate, vegetation and human activities. Moreover, fossil pigment is an important proxy of lake sediments,and they supply useful information for the estimation of regional primary productivity and reconstruction of regional environment. In this paper we introduce and summarize some important progress made in lake sedimets, especially the study of the preservation in lake sediments, reconstruction of paleovegetation, paleotemperature and climatic changes of the original region and so on. The authors also discuss existing problem and evaluate the future development about studying fossil pigments. With the development of analytical technique, sediment pigments will be used as a powerful tool that can favor reconstruction of paleoenvironment and paleotemperature.
- lake deposit /
- fossil pigments /
- reconstruction of paleoenvironment
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