摘要: 灌河是苏北地区最大、航运条件最好的入海河流。重金属元素分析显示,灌河口表层沉积物中Hg、As和Cu的含量高于背景值;Pb和Zn的含量接近背景值;Cd的含量低于背景值。其中Hg元素出现了中等程度的生态危害性,而Cr、As、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd等元素的生态危害系数均极低,整个灌河口潮滩地区并没有出现较为严重的重金属生态危害。Abstract: In northern Jiangsu coastal zone area, Guanhe is the biggest river and has the best navigation conditions among rivers which flow into the Yellow Sea. The grain sizes show gradually increasing from the high intra-tidal zone to the low intra-tidal zone. The heavy metal values have slight changes along both sides of the river mouth, but show an evident change perpendicular to the tidal flat. In the latter case, they show a good correlation with grain size fluctuation, that is,the heavy metal values gradually decline when the grain sizes increase from the high intra-tidal zone to the low intra-tidal zone.Analysis results of heavy metal elements show that in the Guanhe estuary surface sediments,contents of Hg,As and Cu are beyond background values; Pb and Zn are rather close to the background values; and Cd less than the values.Element Hg comes out to be harmful to ecological environment, while elements Cr,As,Cu,Pb,Zn,and Cd fall in a safe range of MPL. On the whole,Guanhe estuary tidal flat is not seriously ecological harmful due to the heavy metals.
- grain size /
- heavy metals /
- correlation /
- tidal flat /
- Guanhe estuary
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