
王庆, 仲少云, 刘建华, 宋传广

王庆, 仲少云, 刘建华, 宋传广. 山东庙岛海峡的峡道动力地貌[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(2): 17-24.
引用本文: 王庆, 仲少云, 刘建华, 宋传广. 山东庙岛海峡的峡道动力地貌[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(2): 17-24.
WANG Qing, ZHONG Shao-yun, LIU Jian-hua, SONG Chuan-guang. THE CHANNEL DYNAMIC GEOMORPHOLOGY OF MIAODAO STRAIT,SHANDONG,CHINA[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(2): 17-24.
Citation: WANG Qing, ZHONG Shao-yun, LIU Jian-hua, SONG Chuan-guang. THE CHANNEL DYNAMIC GEOMORPHOLOGY OF MIAODAO STRAIT,SHANDONG,CHINA[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(2): 17-24.







  • 中图分类号: P737.2


  • 摘要: 在庙岛海峡的动力、沉积、地貌条件比较系统的分析基础上,对庙岛海峡的峡道效应和动力地貌进行了研究,主要包括峡道形成及演变、潮流聚散与侵蚀堆积、涨落潮流歧路与登州浅滩形成、峡道泥沙搬运与沉积效应,结果表明,庙岛海峡具有显著的峡道效应,且峡道东西两段差异明显,对峡道以东的山东半岛北部沿岸海底泥沙运动和沉积具有重要影响。
    Abstract: The authors have systematically analyzed the dynamic, sediment and topographic features of the Miaodao Strait,and then studied the channel effect and its dynamic topographical expressions including strait formation and evolution, tidal current convergence and divergence, erosion and deposition, difference of the flood and ebb tidal currents and the formation of the Dengzhou shoal, the channel sand transport and its sediment effects. According to the study results we know that the strait channel was formed with the gradual rise of then relative sea level since late Pleistocene.The modern Miaodao Strait and its dynamic system came into being during 5 000~6 000 aBP and then entered the modern development stage of the strait geomorphology.The Miaodao Strait has obvious strait effect.When flood current from west and ebb current from east flow through the E-W strait that opens westwards,the current speed changes with the area of the strait section.The central part of the strait experiences the largest erosion,and the erosion decreases with the increase of width of the strait and turns into accumulation.Silt from seabed of the strait and the nearby coast becomes the direct source of muddy area along the coast of the Yellow Sea in the north of the Shandony Peninsula.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-09-03
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