摘要: 随着类脂化合物单体碳稳定同位素组成在古气候、古环境方面应用的不断深入,分辨率更高的类脂化合物单体氢稳定同位素组成开始得到重视。近年来,气相色谱热转换同位素比质谱仪分析技术的发展与应用,极大地促进了依据类脂化合物单体中δD值反演古气候和古环境信息方面的探索。国内外的最新研究成果显示,沉积有机质中类脂化合物单体氢稳定同位素组成与温度有很好的相关性,可以恢复水环境的氢同位素组成,记录大气相对湿度变化,重建一个生态系统的蒸发效应,是一种很具潜力的恢复古气候环境的新手段。Abstract: The compound-specific carbon stable isotopic composition of lipids has been indicated to be a powerful tool for the reconstruction of paleo-climate and paleo-environment.However, its resolution is not high enough to trace the small scale changes in the paleo-climatic variability. Recently, the compound-specific hydrogen isotope ratio (D/H) of lipids, a more sensitive tool for reconstructing paleo-climate and paleo-environment, has been developed due to the application of a new technology of gas chromatography-thermal conversion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-TC-IRMS). The recent progress of the compound-specific hydrogen isotope ratio in the reconstruction of paleo-climate and paleo-environment was reviewed in this paper. It is indicated that the δD values of individual lipid compounds have a close correlation with the environmental temperature and humidity changes and record the δD values of source water according to the isotopic fractionation and the environmental temperature change. The δD values of terrestrial lipid compounds are higher than those of the aquatic compounds due to the evaporative enrichment of deuterium in the leaf water. Based on the differences between δD values of terrestrial and aquatic compounds, the evapotranspiration of the lake environment and the paleo-humidity could be reconstructed. Therefore, the compound-specific δD value of lipid is a new potential proxy for the reconstruction of paleo-climate and paleo-environment.
- lipids /
- compound-specific δD values /
- paleo-climatic environment /
- global change
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