摘要: 高纬冰心、海洋沉积物及陆相古气候沉积记录揭示了全新世冰后期(最近1万年以来)存在系列气候突变事件及百年-千年尺度的气候周期韵律,证实了在冰期-间冰期旋回大尺度气候背景下全球气候存在较大不稳定特征这一基本事实。全新世作为与人类文明衔接的最新地质时段,各国科学家针对全新世气候系统变化特征及驱动机制的研究不断取得新的进展,这些成果将为未来气候演化趋势预测提供重要的历史相似性。总结了近年来关于全新世气候系统的突变及周期性研究的一些成果,并进行了概略的评述和展望。Abstract: Paleoclimatic sequences from the ice core, marine sediments and terrestrial records indicate the serial abrupt climatic changes on centennial-millennial scales during the Holocene, which further confirms the instabilities of climatic system in the background of glacial-interglacial cycles. Holocene is a latest stage that is related to the human being, and great progress has been made in the researches of its climatic evolution history and climatic forcing mechanism. These researches can provide a historical analog for future climatic change and the climatic trend predictions. In this paper, the latest progress in abrupt changes and climatic periodicities during the Holocene are reviewed and some comments are given for the further work in the future.
- abrupt climatic changes /
- centennial-millennial scales /
- historical analog /
- Holocene
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