摘要: 通过对南岭东部大湖泥炭沉积记录的腐殖化度、总有机碳及磁化率等多环境代用指标的综合分析,在可靠14C测年技术的支持下,重建了南岭东部大湖12 ka以来的气候与环境变化过程。结果发现,约12~9 cal.kaBP,夏季风逐渐增强,降水增多;9 cal.kaBP之后降水减少,季风势力逐渐减弱,其中,约9~6.0 cal.kaBP研究区水热组合状况最好;6.0~4.0 cal.kaBP期间季风降水减少。南岭东部地区近12 ka以来的气候变化与北纬33°夏季太阳辐射变化相类似,在一定程度上表明了气候变化对太阳辐射变化的响应。各气候代用指标序列在反映低纬地区气候变化过程的同时也记录了北半球高纬地区的气候变化信息,这既反映了区域性的气候变化特征,也反映了与全球气候变化较为一致的规律性。Abstract: Based on the synthesis analysis of the multiply indexes from the Dahu peat sequence obtained from the eastern South Mountain and the reliable testing of the radiocarbon ages, the variations of the paleo-climate in the eastern South Mountain during the past 12 ka were reconstructed. The results indicate that during about the 12~9 kaBP, the precipitation increased and the monsoon got stronger in this study region, and after 9 kaBP or so the precipitation decreased and the monsoon became weak. The results show that the general trend of the paleo-climate changes in the eastern South Mountain seems to follow the summer solar radiation variations at 33°N, which indicates to a certain extent that the climate responds to the variations of the solar radiation. The multiply indexes mainly reflect the variations of the climatic changes in the low-latitude regions while they also recorded some information from the high-latitude regions, which shows regional climatic characteristics as well as coherences to the global climatic variations.
- peat /
- humification /
- solar activity /
- Holocene /
- eastern South Mountain
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