Magnetic fabric investigation of yellow-brown layer and reticulate layer of reticulate red earth section in Xuancheng, southern Anhui Province has been carried out and data of magnetic fabric parameters
K,P,E,F,L and
q of yellow-brown layer and reticulate layer are gained. The characteristics of the above parameters indicate that the original magnetic fabrics of the yellow-brown layer and reticulate layer have been recomposed by weathering in different ways, while the former seemed to be more seriously reworked. The original magnetic fabrics implicate that the yellow-brown layer was deposited in weak but stable force condition with event deposition happening occasionally. However, the reticulated layer was formed in strong and unstable force conditions.
The characteristics of mean values (
K,P,E,F,L and
q)and collaborated parameters(
F-L,P-q) of yellow-brown layer are coincident with those of eolian loess-paleosol, indicating its eolian deposit formation. However, the characteristics of the corresponding values in the reticulated layer differ significantly from those of eolian deposit, but somewhat close to those of hydraulic deposit. It probably implicate that the reticulated layer has been recomposed by fluviation.