摘要: 尝试从概念模型、数学模型、计算机模型等多个层次构建构造成因的沟谷形成、演变的动态地貌模型。同时,以新疆玛纳斯河西岸红山嘴电站Ⅲ级阶地上的沟谷为例,对模型进行动态三维可视化。模型演算与可视化的结果表明,该系统符合所研究地区的沟谷演化规律,可以用来恢复古沟谷形态和预测将来的形态。Abstract: The authors try to use conceptual model, mathematical model and computer model to reconstruct the formation and evolution of dynamic geomorphic features of tectonic gulches. Meanwhile, they take the gulch on terrace Ⅲ in Hongshanzui power station on the west bank of the Manasi River, Xinjiang, as an example to dynamically visualize the models. The models and visualization system are in accordance with the gulch development rule in the study area, so they can be used for reconstructing ancient and predicting future shapes of different gulches.
- model /
- gulch /
- visualization /
- knick point
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