摘要: 对15年来江苏王港潮滩重金属Pb、Zn和Cu积累规律研究表明,王港潮滩WG05点位现代平均沉积速率为4.13 cm/a。王港潮间带重金属垂直方向的含量具有趋同性,从表层向下逐步降低,具有明显的表聚和亚表聚特征,王港潮滩Fe与Li的相关系数非常显著,超过了0.90,这些潮滩重金属来自岩石风化的可能性较大;Pb、Cu、Al则与铁元素呈负相关,表明王港潮滩沉积物中的重金属Pb、Cu的含量受人为因素的影响较大。归一化后,Cu、Zn的归一化值在15年内相当稳定,其中Cu的波动范围在0.4~2之间,Zn在1.5~2.6之间狭小的范围内波动;这说明王港潮滩的Cu、Zn积累主要来自于地壳风化,受物源和沉积环境等自然因素控制较大,受人类活动影响较小。而Pb归一化以后在4个柱状样中都表现出随时间的变化发生了较大的波动。Pb、Cu为该区域的主要污染因子。Abstract: This paper discusses the temporal distribution of heavy metals and associated pollution in the Wanggang tidal flat area of Jiangsu Province. It was found that the vertical content of heavy metal in Wanggang tidal-flat has the same tend of decreasing from surface layer to bottom gradually in accordance with granularity.There was more argument that heavy metals and granule sediment had good relativity. It was known from the relativity of heavy metals that Fe,Ni,Cr,Mn,Pb,Zn,and Li had better relativity. Comparatively the relation among Fe,Ni and Cr was very remarkable,exceeding 0.900. It was obvious that those heavy metals were relatively steady and possibly came from rock.Pb,Cu and Al have minus-correlation with Fe,indicating that Pb and Cu of Wanggang tidal flat were affected by artificial factor. After standardization, normalization of Cu and Zn is in stabilization. Cu was confined in 0.4~2, and Zn in 1.5~2.6. But Pb has big fluctuation with time. Using the latency zoology index method lodged by Hakanson,we know that the latency zoology index of Pb,Cu and Zn was less than 95, and the latency zoology harm was light. But this was influenled by Pb and Cu pollution,and Pb and Cu were the most serious polluting factors in the study area. Traffic gas and waste water from metallurgy industries and also pesticide and fertilizer were mostly the reason of heavy metal pollution. It is suggested that the environmental pressure due to heavy metal in Wanggang tidal flat comes from pollution of cover fountain in farming.
- tidal flat /
- heavy metal /
- pollution /
- Wanggang
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