摘要: 东海陆架盆地是我国重要的新生代海上含油气盆地,其中充填了巨厚的古新近系含油岩系。尽管该盆地的油气勘探已取得重要成果,但烃源岩分布等油气地质问题是制约该盆地油气勘探的主要障碍。基于此,作者运用高分辨层序地层学的理论和方法,对该盆地古新近系的油气地质条件进行了预测,分析了有利储层形成的基准面旋回位置,指出了潜在烃源岩的有利分布层位和区域,提出了不同区域油气勘探的有利层位。Abstract: East China Sea shelf basin,consisting of Tertiary oil-bearing strata and great in thickness,is an important Cenozioc oil-bearing basin in China. A great success was made in its petroleum investigation, but uncertainties on the petroleum geological elements within the basin such as distribution of source rocks put the petroleum investigation of the basin under a disadvantage condition. On the basis of above, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy is applied to the predictions of the petroleum elements in the basin, such as the distributions of base-level cycles related to good reservoirs,horizons and areas of potential source rocks and favorable strata in different areas for petroleum explorations.
- reservoir /
- source rock /
- high-resolution sequence /
- East China Sea shelf basin
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