
曹立华, 徐继尚, 李广雪, 史经昊

曹立华, 徐继尚, 李广雪, 史经昊. 海南岛西部岸外沙波的高分辨率形态特征[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(4): 15-22.
引用本文: 曹立华, 徐继尚, 李广雪, 史经昊. 海南岛西部岸外沙波的高分辨率形态特征[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(4): 15-22.
CAO Li-hua, XU Ji-shang, LI Guang-xue, SHI Jing-hao. HIGH-RESOLUTION MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SAND WAVES OFF THE WEST HAINAN ISLAND[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(4): 15-22.
Citation: CAO Li-hua, XU Ji-shang, LI Guang-xue, SHI Jing-hao. HIGH-RESOLUTION MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SAND WAVES OFF THE WEST HAINAN ISLAND[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(4): 15-22.






  • 中图分类号: P736.4


  • 摘要: 利用SIMRAD-EM3000多波束探测系统和DGPS定位系统,对海南岛东方岸外的沙波沙脊区进行了高精度探测,分析结果表明:从海岸到陆架底形具有明显的分带性,依次出现弱侵蚀底形段、沙波沙脊底形段和平坦底形段。沙波仅发育于沙波沙脊段,介于水深20~50 m之间,沙波形态有二维与三维两种,沙波波高多为0.7~2.5 m,波长20~70 m,沙波指数(L/H)为20~60,对称指数为1~3;沙波沙脊区沉积物的搬运方向有明显的规律性,在沙脊的西侧,沉积物主要向北搬运;在沙脊的东侧,沉积物主要向南搬运;沙波的形成和发育主要受潮流场控制,热带风暴对其有改造作用。
    Abstract: The sand waves in the eastern Beibu Gulf off Dongfang coast were high-accurately investigated by using SIMRAD-EM3000 multibeam sounding system and DGPS position system. The investigated results indicate that:(1) the bedform from coast to continental shelf obviously has the character of zonation, that is poor-erosion zone, the sand wave and ridge zone and the flat zone. Sand waves only exist in the sand wave and ridge zone, which is in the depth of 20~50 m. The sand waves have many shapes, including two and three dimensional sand waves. The wave height is 0.7~2.5 m and length is 20~70 cm, and the ratio of L/H is 20~60 and the symmetry index (the ratio of gentle slope to steep slope) is 1~3. (2) The transportation direction of the sediment in sand wave and ridge zone presents an apparent regularity. On the west edges of the ridges, sediment transport is mainly towards north; while on the east edges of the ridges, sediment transport is mainly towards south. (3) The formation and development of these sand waves are mainly controlled by tidal current and also influenced by tropical storm.
  • 青岛海洋地质研究所1963年始建于南京,几经迁转,于1979年正式在青岛恢复重建,时为“国家地质总局海洋地质研究所”。当前,青岛海洋地质研究所隶属于自然资源部中国地质调查局,主要承担国家基础性、公益性海洋地质调查研究和战略性海洋矿产资源调查评价任务。坚持以海洋基础地质、海岸带综合地质、天然气水合物地质、海洋油气地质、深海地质与矿产、数字海洋地质六大领域为主攻方向,不断加强发展海洋探测、数据处理、测试分析、海洋信息四项核心技术支撑能力,为我国海洋矿产资源开发、海洋环境保护、海防建设、海洋权益维护和海岸带生态文明建设、减灾防灾提供决策依据和支撑。





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  • 收稿日期:  2005-12-05
  • 修回日期:  2006-05-29


