摘要: 南黄海南部盆地是下扬子地台沿北东方向向海域的自然延伸,盆地的区域构造及油气地质特征与陆上苏北盆地相似。苏北盆地朱家墩气田的成功开发为南黄海南部盆地的勘探提供了借鉴,在分析朱家墩气田成藏特征的基础上,将南黄海南部盆地的成藏条件与朱家墩气田成藏条件进行对比,发现两者具有很强的可比性,得出南黄海南部盆地具有良好的勘探前景,其勘探方向为寻找"古生新储"的气藏,其发育部位为邻近大断裂一侧的深凹带。Abstract: The south basin of the South Yellow Sea basin is an extension of lower Yangtze platform to the northeast. The south basin is very similar to the Subei basin in regional structure and geological characteristics of oil and gas. Successful exploitation of Zhujiadun gas field in Subei basin provides experience for explorations in the south basin. The authors compared reservoir conditions of south basin with the Zhujiadun gas field based on analysis of reservoir characteristics in Zhujiadun gas field and found they were very alike. The authors concluded that south basin of the South Yellow Sea basin possesses good exploration prospect, the gas fields have "ancient generation and young accumulation,and the target is the belt of deep depression on the side of large fault.
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