摘要: 对取自长江口外缺氧区及其邻近海域表层沉积物样品进行了粒度组成和元素(主要包括氧化还原敏感性元素和亲碎屑元素)丰度的分析与测试,对长江口外缺氧区缺氧环境对元素分布的影响进行了探讨,提出了长江口外缺氧区沉积物中氧化还原敏感性元素(Redox sensitive elements,简称RSE)分布的氧化还原环境效应。亲碎屑元素丰度的分布显示出明显的粒控效应,而氧化还原敏感元素的分布受粒度效应的制约很弱,主要受离岸缺氧区还原环境的制约,具有在缺氧区富集的特点。缺氧环境对RSE分布的影响超过了元素的粒控效应,从而使研究区RSE的分布呈现出典型的氧化还原环境效应。Abstract: The grain sizes and element concentration, including redox-sensitive elements(RSE) and terrigenous elements of the sediments from the Yangtze Estuary hypoxia zone and its contiguous sea area were measured. Based on these data,the hypoxic environment's influence on the distribution of elements in surface sediments was studied and it is believed that the "redox environment effect" has important influence on the distribution of the RSE from the Yangtze Estuary hypoxia zone. Redox-sensitive elements Cd,Mo,U,and V and detrophile elements K,Sc and Al belong to different element associations and have distinct distribution and regularity characteristics.These two kinds of elements are controlled by different factors in the study area.Detrophile elements are mainly affected by provenance and "granularity effect",and the high value area goes nearshore in banded way.RSEs(such as Cd,Mo,U,and V)are less controlled by the "granularity effect" but evidently affected by hypoxic environment,and the high value area is distributed in patches and away from the shoreline.
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