摘要: 黄土中游离氧化铁是指示夏季风的替代性气候指标之一。使用经典的CBD法提取游离氧化铁实验过程烦琐,而且实验条件不同对浸提结果影响很大。本实验采用盐酸羟胺-盐酸体系在不同的温度下浸提黄土中的游离氧化铁。实验结果表明:温度对实验结果影响最大,盐酸浓度次之。与经典的CBD法进行对比,在一定的条件下可以代替CBD法,从而简化试验。Abstract: The free iron oxide in loess is one of important climate proxies of the summer monsoon. It is a complicated process to extract it by classical CBD method. Moreover, extraction results are very different in different experiment conditions. Experiment for extraction of free iron oxide by hydroxylamine and different concentrated hydrochloride-acids in diverse conditions has been studied. The results show that the temperature is the ultimate effect of this experiment, and the concentration of hydrochloride-acid is subordinate. Comparing it with classical CBD method, we can choose the optimal substitution of CBD and simplify the experiment process.
- free iron oxide /
- hydroxylamine /
- hydrochloride-acid /
- loess
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