摘要: 综述和研究了我国海域砂矿资源和(微)结核-结壳的分布及其区划。我国的滨海砂矿广泛分布于渤海、黄海、东海和南海,但各省区的砂矿资源分布不同。近年来在我国海域新发现和圈定了多处砂矿品位异常区和矿物高含量区,可分为3个成矿带和24个成矿远景区,资源储量可观。在黄海、东海仅分布铁锰结核,没有发现铁锰结壳,但它们的金属元素含量低,没有潜在资源意义。南海东北陆坡、中央海盆西部和中部是(微)结核、结壳分布较多的区域。南海东北陆坡、海山及其周缘坡脚处的(微)结核、结壳其稀土元素含量较高,可能具有一定的潜在经济价值,今后调查中应引起重视。
- 砂矿 /
- 铁锰(微)结核—结壳 /
- 远景区划 /
- 中国海域
Abstract: Based on recent results and new data, we summarize and study distributions and divisions of placer deposits and ferromanganese nodules/crusts in the sea areas of China. The coastal placer deposits widely spread in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea, but the quantity of placer resources is different in different provinces. Recently, many anomalous-grade regions and high-content areas of valuable minerals have been discovered and outlined, and it showed that the prospective resources were considerable. Based on distribution, geological structure, formation environment and elemental characteristics, it is suggested that three prospecting zones and 24 divisions of the placer deposits have been outlined. At present, ferromanganese nodules were only discovered in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, but it is of a little significance because of metal content. Ferromanganese nodules/crusts are widely distributed in the northeastern continental slope,S W subbasin and middle central subbasin of the South China Sea.REE contents of ferromanganese nodules/crusts occurring in the northern continental slope,seamounts and platforms are high in content, indicating a large potential prospect. -
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