摘要: 在Tessier以及欧共体标准局BCR等前人顺序提取方法的基础上,采用一套改进的顺序提取法对海洋沉积物以及一些水系沉积物标准物质的主量元素进行逐步提取。利用ICP-AES、ICP-MS方法分析了各提取液中Ti、Al、Na、Mg、K、Ca、P、Fe、Mn的含量以及它们在不同相态的分配特征,同时,进一步探讨了酸去除沉积物中非陆源组分的效果,结果显示,最后经盐酸淋滤后的样品,沉积物中的生物、自生组分已经被溶解,而残留下来的剩余物质基本上可代表海洋沉积物的陆源碎屑组分。Abstract: Distribution of major elements in marine sediments and water system was studied in this paper by using a modified sequential extraction procedure according to the methods of Tessier,BCR and so on. Concentrations of Ti,Al,Na,Mg,K,Ca,P,Fe,and Mn in the extracted components leached by different reagents were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results indicate that the most abundant elements extracted by water are Na and Ca, and Ca and P tend to be abundant in organic materials compared with other elements. Large amounts of Ca and Mg are extracted by HAc, which may result from dissolution of carbonate. Additionally, some of the Al, Mn, Na and K are also extracted by HAc. In the component extracted by diluted HCl, the concentrations of these elements except Ti are high, indicating that authigenic materials were significantly dissolved. However, nearly all the Ti in sediments retains in the residue after previous four extraction procedures, suggesting that Ti is mostly hosted in detrital component. The Ti-normalized ratios of other elements in the extracted components all show significantly higher values than those of the average composition in sediments in China, indicating that the dissolved components are mainly authigenic biogenic materials, and the residue after this sequential extraction can basically represent the terrestrial detrital component in sediments.
- sequential extraction procedures /
- marine sediment /
- major elements
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