摘要: 通过对大港南部滩海区构造及油气分布特征的分析,认为断裂是控制大港南部滩海区油气分布的主要控制因素,指出油气主要分布在各主要断层的转折和交汇处,这些断裂的主要活动期为沙河街和东营期,因此,南部的滩海区的油气主要分布在古近系,有利的勘探目标应是东一段、沙一段和沙二段层位。Abstract: By analyzing the characters of structural and oil-gas distribution in the south beach area of Dagang Oilfield, the authors believe that fault is a chief controlling factor of oil-gas distribution, and generalizes macroscopic and microcosmic regularities of oil-gas distribution. Hydrocarbon is mainly distributed in the intersections of major faults that were active during the formations of Shahejie and Dongying strata.Therefore,oil in the south beach area mainly exists in Palaeogene sediments,and favorable exploration targets are probably the 1st member of Dongying Formation and 1st and 2nd members of Shahejie Formation.
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