
谢东风, 范代读, 高抒

谢东风, 范代读, 高抒. 崇明岛东滩潮沟体系及其沉积动力学[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(2): 9-16.
引用本文: 谢东风, 范代读, 高抒. 崇明岛东滩潮沟体系及其沉积动力学[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, 26(2): 9-16.
XIE Dong-feng, FAN Dai-du, GAO Shu. FLAT OF CHONGMING ISLAND AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE SEDIMENT DISTRIBUTION[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(2): 9-16.
Citation: XIE Dong-feng, FAN Dai-du, GAO Shu. FLAT OF CHONGMING ISLAND AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE SEDIMENT DISTRIBUTION[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2006, 26(2): 9-16.






  • 中图分类号: P736.21


  • 摘要: 崇明岛东滩潮沟系在盐沼带内特别发育,其形成与潮滩围垦工程和盐沼带的宽度密切相关。泥滩上潮沟的发育和演化与盐沼带潮盆大小、潮时(大小潮)和降雨量等相关,潮沟体系规模小,涨潮流不受其控制,退潮时潮沟成为主要泄水通道,未沉降的细悬浮颗粒和浮泥层在重力作用下向潮沟汇集,使潮沟内沉积物比滩面细。崇明岛东滩潮沟体系形成、演化及沉积物分布,完全不同于目前研究非常详细的欧美河口湾/港湾型潮道-潮沟体系,后者潮道以涨潮流占优势,沉积物明显比滩面粗。崇明岛东滩潮沟体系是发育在快速淤长的三角洲类型海岸上,通过与其他类型的对比研究,可以更全面地认识潮道-潮沟体系对泥滩和盐沼发育、演化所起的作用。
    Abstract: Tidal creek systems are developed well at the salt marsh on the eastern tidal flat of the Chongming Island. Their formation is closely linked to reclamation of the tidal flat and the width of the salt marsh. Development and evolution of creeks on the mudflat are related to such factors as sizes of tidal basins at the salt marsh, tidal regimes (spring or neap tides), rainfall intensity and so on. The tidal creek systems are on such a small scale that they don't control flood tidal current. In ebbing phase, creeks become main passages for draining and fine suspended sediments and fluid mud that don't aggregate converge toward the creeks, so sediment in creeks is finer than that on the flat. The formation and evolution of creek systems and distribution of sediment on the eastern tidal flat of the Chongming Island,which develops at the rapidly prograding deltaic coast, are completely different from estuarine/bay tidal channel-creek systems in Europe and America, which are dominated by flood current and whose sediments are coarser than those on flat obviously. Comparison study of creek systems on the eastern tidal flat of Chongming Island with other types improves our understanding of the impacts of tidal channel-creek systems on development and evolution of mudflat and salt marshes.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-08-21
  • 修回日期:  2005-10-08


