摘要: 南海是西太平洋地区最大的边缘海之一,其北部具有被动大陆边缘特征。南海的形成演化动力学过程对理解该区地质、资源、环境等科学问题有重要意义。综述了近年来在南海北部大陆边缘开展的岩石圈热状态、流变学及南海成因机制和国际上伸展盆地成因数值模拟等方面的研究进展。南海北部大陆边缘区的大地热流相对较高,平均为75 mW/m2,其中绝大部分为来自地幔热流的贡献。莫霍面温度亦较高,从陆架向海盆方向,深部地温越来越高。岩石圈具有温度高、强度低和强烈流变分层等特征,且下地壳表现为韧性流动变形。伸展盆地成因模拟研究已从运动学向动力学模拟过渡,并逐渐强调岩石圈流变学性质的影响。目前对南海成因机制的理解仍存在争议,大陆裂解过程中岩石圈热-流变结构随时间的变化是控制南海形成演化的关键因素,对南海形成中岩石圈的热-流变学结构随时间的演化过程需要进行深入研究。Abstract: The South China Sea is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific region, with its northern margin being characterized by a passive continental margin. An understanding of the geodynamic process of the formation and evolution of this marginal sea system is vital for a solution of the related scientific issues of the geology, resource and environment in this region. Here we synthesize the recent advances in researches about thermal state and rheology of lithosphere in the northern South China Sea and its formation mechanism, along with numerical modeling of extensional basin formation. Generally, heat flow of the northern margin of the South China Sea is relatively high, with an average of 75 mW/m2, and is mostly derived from mantle contribution. Temperature at Moho depth is really high, and the deep geotemperature increases gradually towards the oceanic basin. The lithosphere beneath this area is associated with high temperature, low strength and intensive rheological stratification, and the lower crust is characterized by ductile flow deformation. Numerical simulation on extensional basin formation is now transitted from kinematics to dynamic modeling, focusing on the influence of the lithosphere rheology. Controversies still exist with regard to the formation mechanism of the South China Sea; the thermo-rheological evolution of the lithosphere during continental break-up is a key factor controlling the formation and evolution of the South China Sea. In the future, further studies on the dynamic evolution patterns of the thermo-rheological structure of the lithosphere are required, which is important to a better understanding of the formation of the South China Sea.
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