摘要: 分析了渤海湾潮间带4条长度为2~3 km的测线的14个站位的表层沉积硅藻,结合前人在浅海区(低潮线以下至水深约30 m处)15个站位的表层沉积硅藻资料,发现并统计了分属于21属的46种硅藻。应用对应分析方法,将渤海湾潮间带及浅海区表层沉积硅藻初步划分为3个组合。其中,组合Ⅰ为条纹-柱状小环藻-圆筛藻组合,分布在以泥质为主的潮间带区;组合Ⅱ为双眉藻-曲壳藻组合,分布在砂质为主的潮间带区;组合Ⅲ为条纹-柱状小环藻-菱形藻-圆筛藻-具槽直链藻组合,分布在浅海区。从潮间带向浅海区,随水深的增加,呈现出条纹-柱状小环藻数量减少、具槽直链藻数量增加的趋势。Abstract: Together with previous data of surface diatoms from 15 stations,the authors analyzed surface diatoms from 14 stations along four 2~3 km long sampling lines in the intertidal zone of the Bohai Bay, and found 46 species which belong to 21 genera. The surface diatoms in the intertidal zone and shallow sea of the Bohai Bay can be divided into three assemblages with the Correspondence Analytical Method. Assemblage Ⅰ, Cyclotella striata/stylorum-Coscinodiscus spp., is distributed in the mud-dominated intertidal zone; Assemblage Ⅱ, Amphora spp.-Achnanthes spp., spreads in the sand-dominated intertidal zone; and Assemblage Ⅲ, Cyclotella striata/stylorum-Nitzschia spp.-Coscinodiscus spp.-Palaria sulcata, exists in the shallow sea. From the intertidal zone to the shallow sea, the percentage of Cyclotella striata/stylorum reduces and the percentage of Palaria sulcata increased with the water depth.
- surface sediments /
- Correspondence Analytical Method /
- diatom assemblage /
- Bohai Bay
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