Cross-shelf sediment transport and its regulatory mechanisms on the inner shelf of the East China Sea during typhoon events
Abstract:The cross-shelf sediment transport is important in land-sea interactions and in terrigenous sediment source-to-sink cycle, which is significantly impacted by typhoons. However, despite the scarcity of in-situ observation and satellite data during typhoons, research on cross-shelf sediment transport during these synoptic weather events remains limited. Utilizing a high-resolution FVCOM model, we analyzed the cross-shelf sediment transport and its mechanisms on the inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) during Typhoon Chan-hom (2015). Results indicate that typhoons can cause intense responses in marine sediment dynamics and produce significant cross-shelf offshore sediment transport, with suspended sediment flux increase by 2~3 orders of magnitude compared to that under normal weather conditions. The transport is mainly controlled by two mechanisms: (1) the barotropic effect caused by continuous water level accumulation during typhoons, inducing uniform meridional offshore sediment transport, representing an indirect typhoon influence; (2) the "Ratchet Effect" triggered by the rotating wind field, resulting in a downwind sediment transport pattern on both side of the typhoon path, with offshore and onshore transport on the left and right sides, respectively, reflecting a direct typhoon influence. The combined effects of these two mechanisms orchestrate the cross-shelf sediment transport on the inner shelf of the ECS during typhoons.
图 4 正常天气与台风期间东海内陆架风场与波浪场(a、 d)、流场与底切应力(b、 e)、悬沙浓度(c、 f)空间分布
Figure 4. Spatial distributions of wind and significant wave height (color image) (a, d), current and total bed shear stress (color image) (b, e), and suspended sediment concentration (c, f) on the inner shelf of the East China Sea during normal summer conditions (left panel) and typhoon periods (right panel)
The current and suspended sediment concentration are vertical-averaged values.
图 5 东海内陆架50 m等深线处跨陆架流速(a)、悬沙浓度(b)及悬沙通量(c)时序变化
Figure 5. Temporal variations of cross-shelf current (a), suspended sediment concentration (b) and suspended sediment flux (c) along the 50-m isobath on the inner shelf of the East China Sea
The starting time is July 8, 2015. The positive values of current speed and suspended sediment flux represent the direction towards the sea.
图 6 2015年7月8—15日东海内陆架50 m等深线处跨陆架悬沙通量EOF模态及其相应的调控机制
a: EOF第一模态;b: 台风路径两侧的正压效应,通过27°N、29°N处30 m与50 m等深线之间的水位差表示,其中加粗曲线代表滑动平均的结果;c: EOF第二模态;d: 28°N及29°N风场时序变化。
Figure 6. EOF modes of cross-shelf suspended sediment flux at the 50-m isobath on the inner shelf of the East China Sea from July 8 to 15, 2015 and their corresponding regulatory mechanisms
a: EOF Mode 1; b: barotropic effects along the flanks of the typhoon path, which is represented by the water level differences between 30-m and 50-m isobaths; the bold curve represents the result of running average; c: EOF Mode 2; d: temporal variations of wind at 28°N and 29°N.
图 7 1997年8月14—21日东海内陆架50 m等深线处跨陆架悬沙通量EOF模态及其相应的调控机制
a:EOF第一模态;b: 台风路径两侧的正压效应,通过27°N、29°N处30 m与50 m等深线之间的水位差表示,其中加粗曲线代表滑动平均的结果;c: EOF第二模态;d: 28°N及29°N风场时序变化。
Figure 7. EOF modes of cross-shelf suspended sediment flux at the 50-m isobath on the inner shelf of the East China Sea from August 14 to 21, 1997 and their corresponding regulatory mechanisms
a: EOF Mode 1; b: barotropic effects along the flanks of the typhoon path, which is represented by the water level differences between 30-m and 50-m isobaths, and the bold curve represents the result of running average; c: EOF Mode 2; d: temporal variations of wind at 28°N and 29°N.
表 1 模拟结果与观测数据对比验证
Table 1 Comparison and validation of simulated results against observed data
潮位 流速 温度 盐度 有效波高 悬沙浓度 相关系数 0.96 0.84 0.87 0.86 0.94 0.85 标准差 1.08 0.94 1.07 0.94 1.26 1.25 均方根误差 0.30 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.46 0.65 表 2 东海内陆架50 m等深线不同时段跨陆架沉积物输运对比
Table 2 Comparison of cross-shelf sediment transport at the 50 m isobath on the inner shelf of the East China Sea in different periods
天气状况 跨陆架悬沙通量/(t/d) 26°N 27°N 28°N 29°N 30°N 正常天气 −6.9 15.1 −4.8 −0.4 −3.0 台风期间 256.6 359.4 1509.0 1271.8 528.8 -
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