
高健祺, 周辛全, 刘传联

高健祺,周辛全,刘传联. 南海东北部末次冰盛期以来有机碳通量变化及驱动机制[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2025,45(1): 68-78. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023092101
引用本文: 高健祺,周辛全,刘传联. 南海东北部末次冰盛期以来有机碳通量变化及驱动机制[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2025,45(1): 68-78. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023092101
GAO Jianqi,ZHOU Xinquan,LIU Chuanlian. Variation of organic carbon flux in the northeastern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum and the driving mechanism[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2025,45(1):68-78. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023092101
Citation: GAO Jianqi,ZHOU Xinquan,LIU Chuanlian. Variation of organic carbon flux in the northeastern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum and the driving mechanism[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2025,45(1):68-78. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023092101


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目“用南海沉积物中长链烯酮重建中新世大气二氧化碳浓度变化”(41930536);海洋碳汇与生物地球化学过程基础科学中心项目(42188102);国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目 “南亚降雨量轨道尺度变化机制研究”(42206060)




  • 中图分类号: P736.21

Variation of organic carbon flux in the northeastern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum and the driving mechanism

  • 摘要:

    通过分析南海东北部台湾西南岸外MD18-3569柱状样岩芯的总有机碳、总氮和有机碳同位素,探讨了末次冰盛期(LGM)以来南海东北部有机碳通量变化及其驱动机制。结果表明,总有机碳和总氮含量分别为0.13%~0.40%和0.017%~0.061%,均呈冰期高、全新世低的特征;C/N比值和有机碳同位素值分别为5.90~8.58和−25.15‰~−22.61‰,指示了研究站位海陆混合的有机碳来源,海源有机碳主要来自于海洋初级生产者(海洋藻类为主),陆源有机碳主要来自台湾西南部河流。海陆端元模型计算的海陆有机碳通量结果显示,海源有机碳和陆源有机碳通量分别为0.01~0.12 g·cm−2·ka−1和0.05~0.21 g·cm−2·ka−1。LGM以来,海源有机碳通量总体呈下降趋势,冰期高海源有机碳通量可能是由于冰期较强的东亚冬季风加强了海水垂向混合,导致上层海水营养物质含量升高,从而提高了海洋初级生产力;陆源有机碳通量呈自LGM以来的上升趋势,可能主要受到东亚夏季风带来的降水对台湾西南河流通量的影响,冰期以来的海平面变化通过改变河口位置也对这一过程起到了一定作用。这表明LGM以来,东亚季风系统对南海东北部有机碳埋藏过程具有非常重要的影响。


    To investigate the variations of organic carbon flux and their driving mechanisms since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), we examined The variation of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and stable organic carbon isotope (δ13CTOC) in core MD18-3569 collected offshore of southwestern Taiwan in the northeastern part of the South China Sea. Results indicate that the values of TOC and TN ranged from 0.13% to 0.40% and 0.017% to 0.061%, which exhibit a characteristic pattern of higher values during glacial periods and lower values during the Holocene. The values of C/N ratio and δ13CTOC ranged from 5.90 to 8.58 and −25.15‰~−22.61‰, which indicate a mixed marine-terrigenous source for organic carbon at MD18-3569. Marine organic carbon mainly originates from marine primary producers, primarily marine algae, while terrigenous organic carbon primarily comes from rivers in southwestern Taiwan. According to the marine-terrigenous end-member model calculations, the values of marine organic carbon flux and terrigenous organic carbon flux ranged 0.01~0.12 g·cm−2·ka−1 and 0.05~0.21 g·cm−2·ka−1, respectively. The marine organic flux had generally been decreased since the LGM. The high marine organic carbon flux during the glacial period might be due to stronger East Asian winter monsoon that enhanced the vertical mixing of seawater, which increased the nutrient content and consequently the marine primary productivity in the upper seawater. In contrast, terrigenous organic carbon flux showed an increasing trend since the LGM duo likely to the impact of precipitation from the East Asian summer monsoon on the rivers in the southwestern Taiwan. Sea level changes since the LGM also played a certain role in this process by the shifting of river mouth. Therefore, the East Asian monsoon system resulted in significant influence on the burial of organic carbon in the northeastern South China Sea since the LGM.

  • 图  1   MD18-3569及其他研究涉及的站位(a)和南海海底地形(b)

    红点为MD18-3569,黑点为其他站位。高程数据来自ETOPO(https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/etopo-global-relief-model),黑色实线为130 m等深线。

    Figure  1.   MD18-3569 and other sites involved in this study (a) and submarine topography of the South China Sea (b)

    The red dot is MD18-3569, and the black dots are other sites. The elevation data are taken from the ETOPO (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/etopo-global-relief-model), and the solid black line is the 130 m isobath.

    图  2   MD18-3569站位年龄深度模式(a) 、线性沉积速率(b)、沉积物干密度(c)及总物质堆积速率(d)

    年龄模式根据文献 [24]。

    Figure  2.   The age-depth model (a), sedimentation rate (b), dry bulk density (c) and mass accumulation rate (d) in core MD18-3569

    Age model is based on reference [24].

    图  3   MD18-3569站位LGM以来TOC(a)、TOC通量(b)、TN(c)、C/N比值(d)和δ13CTOC(e)

    Figure  3.   Total organic carbon (TOC) (a), total organic carbon flux(b), total nitrogen (c), C/N ratio (d), and stable carbon isotope of TOC (e) in core MD18-3569 since the LGM

    图  4   MD18-3569站位TOC-TN相关图

    Figure  4.   Cross plot of TOC (total organic carbon) versus TN (total nitrogen) in core MD18-3569

    图  5   MD18-3569站位C/N比值-δ13CTOC关系图


    Figure  5.   Cross plot of C/N versus δ13CTOC in core MD18-3569

    The range of δ13C and C/N values[17,31] for different potential organic carbon sources is shown.

    图  6   MD18-3569站位LGM以来海源有机碳相对含量(a)、陆源有机碳相对含量(b)、海源有机碳通量(c)和陆源有机碳通量(d)

    Figure  6.   Relative abundance of marine organic carbon (a), relative abundance of terrigenous organic carbon (b), marine organic carbon flux (c), and terrigenous organic carbon flux (d) in core MD18-3569 since the LGM

    图  7   MD18-3569站位LGM以来海源、陆源有机碳通量与研究区域海平面、表层海水温度、中国石笋δ18O、东亚季风降水记录、南海北部初级生产力和古浪黄土平均粒度对比


    Figure  7.   Marine and terrestrial organic carbon fluxes in core MD18-3569 since the LGM and comparison with sea level, surface seawater temperature in the study area, records of Chinese stalagmite δ18O, records of East Asian monsoon precipitation, primary productivity in the northern South China Sea and the mean grain size of the Gulang Loess

    a: The mean grain size of Gulang loess[48], b: abundance of C37 long chain alkenones in core 17937[46], c: primary productivity in core MD12-3428[42], d: pollen records in Daping swamp[65], e: the Biome score (difference between evergreen broad-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved biome) of Shuizhuyang swamp[63], f: oxygen isotope records of stalagmites in the Hulu Cave and Dongge Cave[56-57], g: Surface seawater temperature in core MD18-3569[24], h: relative sea level in core MD178-10-3291[66], i: terrigenous organic carbon flux in core MD18-3569, j: marine organic carbon flux in core MD18-3569.

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  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 李学杰,田成静,钟和贤,张江勇,廖志良. 南海晚更新世以来火山玻璃分布特征与物源分析. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版). 2025(01): 1-14 . 百度学术


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  • 被引次数: 2
  • 收稿日期:  2023-09-20
  • 修回日期:  2023-12-01
  • 录用日期:  2023-12-01
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-22
  • 刊出日期:  2025-02-27


