裴文龙,袁润,王益鹏,等. 基于长链烯酮及其氢同位素重建过去1.42万年来东海海表温度和盐度高分辨率记录[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2023,43(4): 71-84. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023072401
引用本文: 裴文龙,袁润,王益鹏,等. 基于长链烯酮及其氢同位素重建过去1.42万年来东海海表温度和盐度高分辨率记录[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2023,43(4): 71-84. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023072401
PEI Wenlong,YUAN Run,WANG Yipeng,et al. High-resolution records of sea surface temperature and salinity in the East China Sea in the last 14.2 ka: Implication from alkenone and its hydrogen isotopes[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2023,43(4):71-84. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023072401
Citation: PEI Wenlong,YUAN Run,WANG Yipeng,et al. High-resolution records of sea surface temperature and salinity in the East China Sea in the last 14.2 ka: Implication from alkenone and its hydrogen isotopes[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2023,43(4):71-84. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023072401


High-resolution records of sea surface temperature and salinity in the East China Sea in the last 14.2 ka: Implication from alkenone and its hydrogen isotopes

  • 摘要: 东海古海洋环境条件(如海表温度(SST)和盐度(SSS))研究显示其与低纬热带大洋和东亚季风(EAM)的水文气候变化存在不同步的特征。然而末次冰消期以来,东海表层水温和表层盐度如何对东亚季风和低纬热带大洋的协同作用作出响应,目前尚不清楚。本文基于近1.4万年来东海的高分辨率岩芯中长链烯酮及其氢同位素(δDalkenone)的表层温盐记录,以了解不同时间尺度上的驱动机制。结果表明,东海表层水温、盐度具有不同时间尺度的变化,为约1500 a的千年尺度以及约750、350和120 a的百年尺度的周期波动。在末次冰消期和全新世早期,由于黑潮增强将高温、高盐海水带入东海,导致表层水温度、盐度均较高。在全新世早中期(9.0~5.0 kaBP),由于东海水动力环流形成,并受高纬大气变化和低纬热带大洋环流的双重影响,从而引起显著的海洋层化现象,导致海表出现高而稳定的表层水温和相对较低的表层盐度。5.0~2.7 kaBP,东亚冬季风似乎有所增强,而东亚夏季风减弱,从而导致东海的上升流增强。这可能是由于黑潮势力减弱,随后导致东海的低SST和高SSS现象。全新世晚期,东海表层水温和表层盐度呈下降趋势,这与黑潮变化几乎同步。


    Abstract: Palaeoceanographic environmental conditions in the East China Sea (ECS) shown as sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) may reveal asynchronous hydroclimate changes from low-latitude warm ocean and East Asian monsoon (EAM). However, it remains unclear whether the SST and SSS in the ECS showed a notable response to the spatiotemporal patterns of hydroclimate with the synergistic impacts of the EAM and tropical ocean since the last deglaciation. The SST and SSS records based on alkenone and its hydrogen isotopes (δDalkenone) with a high-resolution core from the ECS over the last 14 ka were analyzed to understand the forcing mechanisms on different timescales. Results indicate that the SST and SSS of the ECS fluctuated in millennial (~1500 a) and centennial (~750 a, ~350 a , and ~ 120 a) scales. During the last deglaciation and early Holocene, the Kuroshio was strengthened and carried relatively warm and salty seawater into the ECS, thus the SST and SSS were generally higher than normal ones. During the middle Holocene (9.0~5.0 kaBP), freshwater discharged into the ECS, followed by the regulation of its hydrodynamic circulations, which might create strong upper-ocean stratification, high and stable SST, and relatively low SSS. During 5.0~2.7 kaBP, the East Asian Winter Monsoon seemed to be strengthened, while the East Asian Summer Monsoon weakened, which enhanced the upwelling in the ECS due probably to the weakening of the Kuroshio, and subsequently led to the low SST and high SSS in the ECS. In the late Holocene, the surface water temperature and salinity in the ECS showed a decreasing trend, which was almost synchronous with the changes in the Kuroshio. This study presents new lights for further understanding of the low-latitude forcing on the paleoenvironmental evolution in marginal sea.


