
鄢全树, 袁龙, 闫施帅, 刘振轩, 吴增, 石学法

鄢全树,袁龙,闫施帅,等. 菲律宾海板块东南边界地质过程与研究展望[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2023,43(5): 50-63. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023040701
引用本文: 鄢全树,袁龙,闫施帅,等. 菲律宾海板块东南边界地质过程与研究展望[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2023,43(5): 50-63. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023040701
YAN Quanshu,YUAN Long,YAN Shishuai,et al. Geological evolution and research prospect in southeast boundary of Philippine Sea Plate[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2023,43(5):50-63. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023040701
Citation: YAN Quanshu,YUAN Long,YAN Shishuai,et al. Geological evolution and research prospect in southeast boundary of Philippine Sea Plate[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,2023,43(5):50-63. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2023040701


基金项目: 崂山实验室“十四五”重大项目“俯冲带动力过程与物质循环”(LSKJ202204103);国家重点研发计划项目“海洋划界相关自然特征的影响因素分析及其特征提取技术研究”(2017YFC1405502);国家自然科学基金“海底岩石学”(41322036);国家海洋局“全球变化与海气相互作用”专项(GASI-GEOGE-02);山东省泰山学者建设工程项目


  • 中图分类号: P736.1

Geological evolution and research prospect in southeast boundary of Philippine Sea Plate

  • 摘要: 晚中生代期间,由于古太平洋俯冲板片俯冲于欧亚板块之下,从而在欧亚大陆东缘存在一条巨型的类似于现今太平洋东侧的安第斯型俯冲带。岩浆活动记录显示,70 Ma左右,可能由于外来的正地形地体拼贴上该俯冲带,从而导致这条巨型安第斯型俯冲带逐渐消失,欧亚大陆东缘逐渐从主动大陆边缘变为被动大陆边缘。然而,新生代早期以来,伴随着菲律宾海板块从赤道北移,该被动大陆边缘又重新活化,变为主动大陆边缘,并逐渐形成了巨型的沟-弧-盆系统,期间西太平洋地区大致经历了三期的弧后扩张,即始新世、渐新世—中新世、上新世以来,且菲律宾海板块正好包括了这3个扩张期的弧后扩张盆地:西菲律宾海盆、四国海盆-帕里西维拉海盆以及马里亚纳海槽。本文详细总结了太平洋板块与次级的板块—菲律宾海板块及卡罗琳板块的地质演化历史,且详细探讨了以上3个主要板块之间相互作用的典型区域(菲律宾海板块东南侧)的地质学和岩石学特征以及尚存在的重要科学问题,并展望了未来该区域的研究方向。
    Abstract: During the Mesozoic Era, due to continuous subduction of the plaeo-Pacific slab beneath the Eurasian plate, a huge Andean-type subduction zone was gradually formed, being similar to that in modern eastern Pacific margin. Evidence from magmatic activity shows that the subduction processes of the Mesozoic Andean-type subduction zone had gradually ceased due to possible collaging of exotic positive topography terrane (s) into the subduction zone, and the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate has changed from active to passive continental margins. However, since early Cenozoic, accompanied by northward migration of the Philippine plate from south of the Equator (original place), the passive margin was reactivated and became an active margin and gradually formed a huge trench-arc-(back-arc) basin system in the western Pacific region after experienced three-epoch spreading evolution (i.e., Eocene, Oligocene-Miocene, Pliocence-Present). The Philippine Sea plate (PSP) includes these three-epoch back-arc basins (i.e., West Philippine Basin, Shikoku-Parece Vela Basins, and Mariana Trough). This study summarized in detail the geological evolution history of Pacific plate (first-order large tectonic plate), Philippine Sea plate and Caroline plate (second-order tectonic plate), described the geological and petrological characteristics for typical regions of interaction of the three tectonic plates, proposed some important scientific questions, and finally, pointed out the directions of investigation and research in the near future.
  • 图  1   190~5 Ma古太平洋的板块构造格局[21]

    Figure  1.   Plate tectonic pattern of the Paleo-Pacific during 190~5 Ma [21]

    图  2   菲律宾海板块及其邻近区域地质和基底岩石基本类型

    Figure  2.   Sketch geological map and basement rock types of the Philippine Sea plate and adjacent areas

    图  3   卡罗琳板块及其邻近区域地质和基底岩石基本类型


    Figure  3.   Sketch geological map and basement rock types of the Caroline plate and adjacent areas

    The white dotted line represents the boundary of Caroline Plate.

    图  4   50 Ma以来三大板块的构造演化示意图[14]

    Figure  4.   Schematic diagram of tectonic evolution of the three plates since 50 Ma [14]

    图  5   菲律宾海板块东南边界区域熔岩微量元素蛛网图

    图中IAB代表岛弧玄武岩,N-MORB代表正常洋中脊玄武岩,OIB代表洋岛玄武岩。正常洋中脊玄武岩、洋岛玄武岩和原始地幔数据来自Sun和McDonough[57],岛弧玄武岩数据来自Niu and O’Hara [58],帕里西维拉海盆南部数据来自文献[59],雅浦弧数据来自文献[44, 52-53],卡罗琳高原数据来自文献[41],索罗尔海槽数据来自文献[60],帕劳弧数据来自文献[61-62],阿玉海槽数据来自文献 [63-65]。

    Figure  5.   Trace element compositions of lavas in the southeastern boundary of the Philippine Sea plate

    IAB: island arc basalt; N-MORB: normal mid-ocean ridge basalt; OIB: ocean island basalt. Data for the N-MORB, OIB and primitive mantle are from references[57]; data for IAB are from references[58]; data for the southern part of the Parece Vela Basin are from references[59]; data for the Yap Arc are from references[44, 52-53]; data for the Caroline Plateau are from references[41]; data for the Solor Trough are from references[60]; data for the Palau Arc are from references[61-62]; data for Ayu Trough are from references[63-65].

    表  1   菲律宾海板块东南边界主要构造单元的地质地球物理特征

    Table  1   Geological and geophysical features of the main geological units in the southeast boundary of the Philippine Sea plate

    构造单元 大致地理位置 规模 基底岩石
    地球物理特征 岩石地球化学特征 可能成因 参考文献
    马里亚纳和帕劳岛弧之间 长约700 km 7.6~10.9 6000~9000 8~16 具高热流值、浅源地震频发、俯冲速率低以及较短的沟弧间距 主要由变质岩组成,类似于洋中脊玄武岩的特征;橄榄岩和火山岩具有岛弧的相关性 太平洋和卡罗琳板块的俯冲以及卡罗琳高原的“碰撞/俯冲” [41-42,44,
    北雅浦陡崖 马里亚纳与雅浦海沟交汇处以北 长约为20 km 24.8 5600~6400 5~10 自由空气重力异常为负值,布格重力异常没有表现出显著特征,为残余结构 具有俯冲相关火山岩的典型特征,具有更多的放射性成因同位素Sr 帕里西维拉海盆南部扩张时期形成 [42,52,54]
    九州-帕劳脊主体以南 长约500 km 20.1~37.7 6000~7000 >10 板块汇聚速率为0.3~0 cm/yr,由北向南递减 典型的洋内岛弧火山岩序列,亏损高场强元素,富集Sr、La、Ba、Rb等元素 俯冲后撤+卡罗琳高原“碰撞” [62-63,98]
    菲律宾海板块东南端,北雅浦陡崖以南至雅浦弧之间 370 km×
    440 km
    13.1~6.1 500~5200 4.8~5.9 无磁异常,缺失东半部分,双层地壳结构,同时存在平板俯冲和俯冲反转 具有类似于弧后盆地玄武岩的地球化学特征 弧后扩张成因 [60,82,95]
    阿玉海槽 帕劳海沟以南,卡罗琳板块与菲律宾海板块边界处 长约600 km,宽约20~
    30 km
    19.9~25.2 5000~6000 5~7 扩张速率为1.0~1.5 cm/yr,存在扩张方向的转变,地震多与走滑断层相关 主要由玄武岩组成,具有类似于洋中脊玄武岩或弧后盆地玄武岩的特征 火山弧的初始裂谷阶段之后围绕轴线的扩展 [38,66,70]
    卡罗琳高原 雅浦海沟以东,卡罗琳板块和太平洋板块边界处 长约530 km 8.1~23.9 1000~3000 9~15 地壳较厚,具有较低的布格重力异常 主要由玄武岩组成,具有与洋岛玄武岩或洋中脊玄武岩相似的地球化学特征 地幔柱作用 [28,41,
    索罗尔海槽 东、西卡罗琳洋脊之间 西宽(150~
    175 km),东窄(75 km),长约530 km
    7.0 1600~5000 5~6 斜向张裂转换系统,兼具走滑和伸展特征 主要由玄武岩组成,具有类似于洋中脊玄武岩或洋岛玄武岩的化学特征 卡罗琳洋底高原裂解 [3,28,32,
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