The Holocene climatic evolution in Eastern China and its bearing on climatic events
摘要: 在格陵兰GISP2冰芯气候演化曲线及北半球30°~90°N全新世气候演化综合曲线的基础上,统合了中国东部地区近年获得的全新世洞穴石笋、黄土沉积、湖泊沉积等典型气候演化曲线,建立了全新世气候节律分期,划分了11个暖期(编号W1—W11),10个冷期(编号C1—C10)。以此为基础,首次将中国东部全新世发生的洪水、海进、海退、冰川、冰冻等各类气候事件进行对应性分析,确认了中国在全新世存在一个千年尺度的节律性气候演化特征。综合各类气候事件后显示,编号为C2、C4、C6的冷期降温幅度较大,分别对应于10、8.2、5.3 kaBP的强冷事件。编号为W5的暖期时段,对应于7.2 kaBP的大暖期。研究发现,全新世气候变化在中国东部产生了同步的陆海联动效应。Abstract: Based on the Holocene climate evolution curve constructed with the Greenland ice core GISP2 and the integrated climate curves at the latitude of 30°~90°N, as well as the climate evolutionary curves recently acquired from the Holocene cave stalagmites, loess and lake sediments, the Holocene climatic rhythm stages has been established by this paper for Eastern China, which consists of 11 warm periods (numbered W1-W11) and 10 cold periods (numbered C1-C10). Correspondingly, the analysis of Holocene climatic events, such as floods, transgressions, regressions, glaciers, freezing and other climate events in the eastern China is conducted. Evidence confirms that there is a millennium scale rhythmical climate evolution in China during the Holocene. The cooling periods numbered C2, C4 and C6 have showed the considerable cooling and may correspond to the cooling events in 10, 8.2 and 5.3 kaBP, respectively. The warming period numbered W5 is corresponding to the Megathermal around 7 kaBP. It indicates that the Holocene climate change in eastern China is obviously influenced by land-sea interactions.
图 2 中国东部全新世气候演化曲线
图中竖虚线代表降温期峰值,C1-C10为冷期编号。a. 格陵兰GISP2冰芯气候演化曲线[12],曲线旁数字为Bond确定的降温期次;b. 北纬30°~90°N综合气候演化曲线[16];c. 贵州省董哥洞石笋气候演化曲线[18];d. 四川省红原泥炭腐殖质含量变化曲线[23];e. 湖北省神农架大九湖泥炭沉积反映的温度变化曲线[24];f. 陕西省岐山全新世黄土剖面磁化率曲线图[28];g. 大兴安岭中段月亮湖沉积物反映的气候演化曲线[27]。
Figure 2. The Holocene climatic evolution curve of Eastern China
The horizontal dotted lines represent the mid-value of cooling periods, C1-C10 are the numbers of the cold periods.
表 1 全新世气候演化分期与洪水、海侵、海退、冰川、冰冻等气候事件年龄数据对应表
Table 1 The division of Holocene climatic evolution stages and their correlation with the dating data of flood events, transgression events, glaciation events and freezing events
事件类型 W1 C1 W2 C2 W3 C3 W4 C4 W5 C5 W6 C6 W7 C7 W8 C8 W9 C9 W10 C11 W11 参考文献 格陵兰GISP2冰芯降温事件 11.1 10.3 9.4 8.6 7.4 5.2 4.0 2.7 1.6 0.5 Bond等[12] 陕西岐山黄土剖面 10.8 7.5 5.0 4.0 3.0 张宗祜[28] 洪水事件 沂河、沭河流域 0.8,1.2 王江月[30] 汉江上游晏家棚 2.8~3.2 1.6~1.8 0.9~1.0 吉琳等[31] 河南安阳三杨庄 7.2~7.0 6.0~6.7 4.5 3.5 2.2~2.1 刘耀亮[32] 河南北洛河宜君段 7.4~7.6 5.0~5.8 4.0~4.2 Zhang Y Z[33] 二里头遗址 5.5~6.0 3.8~4.0 1.7~1.8 Zhang Y Z[33] 渭河支流石川 8.9~9.2 6.2~6.6 4.1~4.7 3.7~3.9 2.3~2.6 He Z等[34] 漆水河杨凌 4.0~4.3 3.0~3.1 黄春长等[35] 渭河天水 3.0~3.2 1.6~1.8 石彬楠等[36] 泾河高陵 4.0~4.2 2.8~3.2 顾洪亮等[37] 晋陕峡谷吉县 8.5~9.0 3.0~3.2 郝高建等[38] 晋陕峡谷马头关 3.0~3.4 1.7~1.9 刘雯瑾等[39] 晋陕峡谷柳林滩 10.2~10.8 9.6~10.6 刘雯瑾等[40] 晋陕峡谷龙门 2.9~3.2 1.7~1.8 0.61~0.77 石彬楠等[41] 菏泽 3.5~4.0 Yu S Y等[42] 平邑万寿湖 6.0 1.9 1.1,1.2 本文 海侵事件 贝壳沉积 5.4 3.0 2.5 周廷儒等[43] 大连地区 >7.0 3.4 1.5~2.0 刘国海等[44] 渤海湾BXZK13 8.7 雷雁翔等[45] 海退事件 东海QC2孔 8.2 5.3 韩喜彬等[46] 冰川
冰冻事件山东蒙山 10.0 8.2 5.3 王照波[8-10] 内蒙凉城 8.0 6.0 周廷儒等[43] 峰值年龄 11.3 10.9 10.5 10.0 9.6 9.1 8.5 8.2 7.2 6.2 5.8 5.3 4.5 4.2 3.5 2.8 2.1 1.5 1.0 0.5 气候事件 鳄鱼冰期 拦马冰期 湖沼沉积 万寿湖 清荣冰期 万寿湖 沙窝洪水 注:W编号为升温期,C编号为降温期;表中数据为年龄值,单位为ka。 表 2 蒙山及周边全新世洪水事件光释光年龄
Table 2 OSLdating data of Holocene flood events in Mengshan and surrounding areas
采样位置 样品编号 岩性 U/(μg/g) Th/(μg/g) K/% 含水量/% 等效剂量/Gy 年龄/ka 误差/ka 平邑万寿湖畔
(35°31′31.28″N、117°40′09.47″E)WS01 粉细砂 1.83 10.93 1.88 22.81 7.2 1.9 ±0.2 WS02 中粗砂 2.14 10.73 1.91 19.14 23.4 6.0 ±0.6 兰溪峡谷上游
(35°33′37.25″N、117°49′48.33″E)QR01 中细砂 1.03 9.51 1.44 8.62 3.5 1.2 ±0.1 QR02 中细砂 1.21 9.38 1.61 2.83 3.6 1.1 ±0.1 注:中全新世大暖期(W5时段)之前的洪水沉积,极有可能由于大暖期的重大洪水事件的冲刷而不易保存,相应数据极为稀少。 -
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