
Characteristics of Lower Miocene mixed deposits in Kutai Basin, Indonesia

  • 摘要: 库泰盆地是印尼最大、最深的新生代裂谷盆地,也是印尼油气最富集的盆地之一。长期以来,对库泰盆地的勘探主要针对中-上中新统三角洲相沉积体系,对库泰盆地沉积地层的认识也主要集中于中中新统及以上地层,对下中新统及更深层系鲜有勘探认识。通过最新的钻探成果和野外地质考察,认为下中新统以滨海相沉积为主,自下而上形成了海相暗色泥岩-进积砂岩-生屑灰岩的垂向沉积序列,以生屑灰岩为标志层。这套沉积序列具有明显的混积特征,生屑灰岩直接上覆在反旋律的滨海相砂岩之上,被厚层泥岩覆盖。分析认为这种生屑灰岩与砂岩交替发育的交互混积序列是一套完整的代表水体逐渐变浅、随后变深的海相准层序。相对海平面较高时期主要沉积海相泥岩;随着海退事件,垂向上逐渐沉积细砂-中砂-粗砂岩;之后,相对海平面升高,生屑灰岩开始发育;伴随海平面不断上升,生屑灰岩被海水淹没,沉积海相泥岩,覆盖在生屑灰岩之上,一个沉积旋回结束。这种多旋回特征反映了研究区在早中新世高频的海平面变化,指示研究区在挤压应力场的作用下,构造活动频繁,发生快速相对海平面变化。


    Abstract: As the largest and deepest Cenozoic rift basin in Indonesia, the Kutei Basin is one of the most favorable basins for hydrocarbon exploration. The major exploration targets and intervals in the basin are mainly concentrated so far in the Middle to Upper Miocene deltaic systems, and the deeper intervals below the Middle Miocene have not been fully explored yet. Drilling and field investigation suggest that the Lower Miocene is composed of shallow marine depositional systems. From the bottom to the top, it changes from dark shale, progradational sandstone to bioclastic limestone. which marks the top of the shallow marine sequence. The bioclastic limestone covered the sandstone, and buried by thick shales, showing obvious features of mixed siliciclastic – carbonate deposition. Such a mixed deposit represents a sequence formed in a specific environment with relatively high sea level in the beginning, followed by sea level falling, and sea level rise again. The shale sediments were deposited during the period of highest sea level; while the sandstone was deposited during sea level falling stage. Then the sea level rise made the environment favorable for bioclastic to grow up. Bioclastic would stop develop when the sea level was rising too fast and the water became too deep. Above the bioclastic mudstone deposited. The frequent sea level fluctuation will cause the formation of multiple interbedded siliciclastic - carbonate sequences. This model reveals that under the compressive stress, the tectonic movements was frequent and active in this region. Relative sea level changed rapidly, that caused the deposition of the cyclic mixed deposits.


