Characteristics and genetic dynamics of mud diapirs and mud volcanoes on the western slope of Okinawa Trough schematic geographic map of studied area mud diapirs with different morphology in multi-channel seismic section
摘要: 海底泥底辟和泥火山对研究海底深部地球化学过程与全球碳循环、油气与天然气水合物资源勘查和新构造运动等具有重要的意义。利用高分辨率多道地震、浅地层剖面以及多波束等地球物理数据,对冲绳海槽西部陆坡泥底辟和泥火山的特征进行了分析和总结。冲绳海槽西部陆坡发育大量的泥底辟和泥火山,多发育于断裂活动强烈的区域,随着泥底辟的活动和甲烷流体的运移,在海底形成泥火山和气烟囱,因此,泥火山和气烟囱多发育于泥底辟上部,两翼存在强振幅异常,内部表现为低频特征,证明泥底辟和泥火山与甲烷流体活动存在密切联系。冲绳海槽西部陆坡泥火山和泥底辟的形成演化的动力学过程与成因主要包括3个方面,即区域拉张作用形成的构造薄弱带、快速沉积造成的超压和浮力作用以及流体的驱动作用。Abstract: Submarine mud diapirs and mud volcanoes are of great significance to the study of deep sea geochemical processes and global carbon cycle, the exploration of oil and gas hydrate resources and neotectonic activities. In this paper, the characteristics of mud diapir and mud volcanoes on the western slope of the Okinawa Trough are described and summarized with the geophysical data of high-resolution multi-channel seismic, sub-bottom profiling and multi-beam bathymetry survey. A large number of mud diapirs and mud volcanoes have been observed on the western slope of Okinawa Trough, mostly in the areas with strong fault activities. With the movement of mud diapirs and the migration of methane fluid, mud volcanoes and gas chimneys are commonly formed on the seafloor, mostly on the upper part of mud diapirs, with strong amplitude anomalies on the two wings and low frequency inside, which proves that the formation of mud diapirs and mud volcanoes are closely related to methane fluid activities. The dynamic evolution of mud volcanoes and mud diapirs on the western slope of the Okinawa Trough mainly includes three types: the weak structural zone formed by regional tension, the overpressure and buoyancy zone caused by rapid deposition, and the type formed by fluid driving.
- mud diapir /
- mud volcano /
- high resolution seismic /
- fluid migration /
- Okinawa Trough
图 5 第1种类型泥火山多波束地形图和浅地层剖面
a. 多波束地形图;b. 过泥火山的浅地层剖面,测线位置如图5a所示。
Figure 5. Multi-beam bathymetry map and sub-bottom profile of the first type of mud volcano
a. multi-beam bathymetry map; b. the sub-bottom profile crossing the mud volcano, see Fig. 5a for location.
图 6 不规则状泥火山口多波束地形图和浅地层剖面
a. 多波束地形图;b. 过泥火山的为浅地层剖面,测线位置如图6a所示。
Figure 6. Multi-beam bathymetry map and sub-bottom profile of the irregular mud volcano summit caldera
a. multi-beam bathymetry map; b. the sub-bottom profile crossing the mud volcano. See Fig.6a for location.
图 7 圆锥状泥火山多波束地形图和浅地层剖面
a. 多波束地形图;b. 过泥火山的浅地层剖面,测线位置如图7a所示。
Figure 7. Multi-beam bathymetry map of conical mud volcanoes
a. multi-beam bathymetry map; b. the sub-bottom profile crossing the mud volcano. See Fig.7a for location.
图 11 研究区最大的泥火山
a. 和b分别为过泥火山的多道地震剖面和浅地层剖面,位置如图11c所示;c. 多波束地形图;d. 瞬时频率属性剖面。
Figure 11. The largest mud volcano in the studied area
a. and b. are multi-channel seismic section and sub-bottom profile crossing the mud volcano, See Fig.11c for location.; c. multi-beam bathymetry map; d. instantaneous frequency profile.
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