Environmental evolution and carbon burial assessment of the west coast of Bohai Bay since Late Pleistocene
摘要: 对海岸带滨海湿地土壤或沉积物中碳通量的定量评估是国内外碳循环研究的热点,但目前对碳通量评估涉及地面以下的土壤或沉积物深度大多不超过1 m(最多3 m),少有对更深更长时间尺度(如千年尺度)的沉积物中碳通量进行评估研究。对2016年在渤海湾西岸老黄河三角洲沉积区获取的BHZK13钻孔(长32.68 m)开展AMS14C测年和光释光(OSL)测年、粒度、有孔虫、总碳(TC)和有机碳(OC)浓度、主量元素(含营养元素)和原位密度等参数进行分析测试。结果显示,渤海湾西岸老黄河三角洲沉积区自晚更新世晚期以来,沉积环境自下而上可划分出7个沉积单元,分别对应MIS5期的潮坪相(U1)、泛滥平原相(U2)、河道相(U3)、全新世的潮坪—浅海相(U4)、一期黄河三角洲(5500~3600 cal.aBP)(U5)、改造层(3600 cal.aBP~700 BC)(U6)、二期黄河三角洲(700 BC—11 AD)(U7)。沉积速率在U5前缘相中最大(1.99 cm/a),在U1沉积环境中最小(0.014 cm/a)。相应地,有机碳埋藏通量在U5前缘相最大(134.56 g/(m2·a)),而最小值(0.16 g/(m2·a))出现在U3环境中。沉积速率是有机碳埋藏通量的主控因素,TC和OC与各营养元素都呈极显著的相关性。虽然老黄河三角洲沉积物中有机碳含量较低,但由于沉积速率相对较快,使得老黄河三角洲沉积体也是较好的有机碳贮库。Abstract: The quantitative assessment of carbon flux in soil or sediments of coastal wetlands has recently become a hotspot in carbon cycle research both at home and abroad. However, most of the depth of the sediment samples studied is less than 1 m (or a maximum no more than 3 meters), and there are few studies on carbon fluxes in deeper sediments or longer time scales, such as the millennium scale available. In order to reveal the carbon fluxes in deeper layers, a hole of 32.68 m deep (BHZK13) was drilled in the old Yellow River Delta on the west bank of Bohai Bay in 2016. Core samples are carefully described and tested for AMS14C and OSL dating, grain size analysis, foraminifera identification, and analysis of total carbon(TC), organic carbon (OC), and major elements (including nutrient elements) in addition to in-situ densities. The results show that since Late Pleistocene, the sedimentary environment of the old Yellow River Delta on the west coast of Bohai Bay can be subdivided into seven sub-environments, namely, the tidal flat in MIS5 (U1), floodplain (U2), river channel (U3), Holocene tidal flat (U4), Yellow River Delta phase one (U5, 5500~3600 cal.aBP), reconstruction layer (U6) and Yellow River Delta phase two (U7). The highest sedimentation rate is found in the deltaic front of the delta phase one (1.99 cm/a), while the lowest found in the tidal flat (0.014 cm/a). Correspondingly, the highest burial rate of organic carbon is found in the deltaic front of the Yellow River Delta phase one (134.56 g/(m2·a)), with the lowest found in river channel deposits. Correlation analysis suggests that the sedimentation rate is the main controlling factor on the burial rate of organic carbon in various sedimentary environments. TC and OC has a very significant correlation with each nutrient element. Although the content of organic carbon in the sediments of the Old Yellow River Delta is relatively low due to the high sedimentation rate of the Delta, the modern Yellow River Delta can still be considered as an excellent carbon sink also due to its high sedimentation rate.
- organic carbon /
- deposition rate /
- buried flux /
- Yellow River Delta
表 1 BXZK13孔AMS14C测年数据
Table 1 AMS14C data of Core BXZK13
样品编号 深度/m 测试材料 校正后年龄/cal.aBP(1σ) 校正后年龄中值/cal.aBP BXZK13S1 6.1 Potamocorbula laevis 3047~3222 3135 BXZK13S7 6.8 Terebra koreana 2568~2730 2640 BXZK13S8 7 Potamocorbula laevis 2595~2738 2655 BXZK13S2 14.07 Venus sp. 3851~4042 3940 BXZK13S3 15.77 Venus sp. 5316~5457 5400 BXZK13S4 17.46 有机质 8602~8704 8670 BXZK13S5 23.25 Potamocorbula laevis >43500 BXZK13S6 24.63 Scapharca kagoshimensis 45494~46816 46195 表 2 BXZK13孔OSL测年数据
Table 2 OSL data of Core BXZK13
样品编号 样品深度/m 实验编号 U/ (μg/g) Th/ (μg/g) K/% 等效剂量/Gy 年龄/aBP 误差/aBP OSL-8 23.4 2017A008 1.22 5.95 1.95 174.8 56400 ±5600 OSL-9 24.7 2017A009 1.46 7.25 2.15 184.7 53300 ±5300 OSL-10 27.33 2017A010 1.34 6.48 1.91 225.6 71600 ±7200 表 4 BHZK13沉积物碳及营养成分浓度的相关系数
Table 4 Correlations between carbons and nutrients of the sediments
Cu N Mn P Zn Al Fe Mg Ca Na K TC OC Cu 1 0.742 0.764 0.639 0.907 0.879 0.937 0.923 0.734 −0.84 0.875 0.834 0.558 N 1 0.635 0.638 0.721 0.813 0.775 0.731 0.485 −0.57 0.665 0.861 0.912 Mn 1 0.495 0.842 0.728 0.825 0.788 0.815 −0.78 0.818 0.808 0.441 P 1 0.604 0.768 0.76 0.728 0.457 −0.54 0.523 0.613 0.52 Zn 1 0.847 0.919 0.897 0.803 −0.88 0.922 0.858 0.506 Al 1 0.949 0.944 0.686 −0.82 0.823 0.826 0.68 Fe 1 0.979 0.801 −0.89 0.877 0.885 0.592 Mg 1 0.825 −0.9 0.868 0.872 0.561 Ca 1 −0.82 0.766 0.833 0.267 Na 1 −0.823 −0.788 −0.392 K 1 0.781 0.471 TC 1 0.683 OC 1 注:表中所列相关系数显著性均小于0.01。 表 5 沉积物TC、OC埋藏通量的相关系数
Table 5 Correlations between TC、OC accretion rates in the sediments
沉积速率 原为密度 TC浓度 TC堆积速率 OC浓度 OC堆积速率 TIC浓度 TIC堆积速率 沉积速率 1 0.262** −0.161 0.993** 0.337** 0.950** −0.425** 0.987** 原为密度 1 −0.704** 0.258** −0.506** 0.234* −0.580** 0.262** TC浓度 1 −0.13 0.647** −0.116 0.869** −0.132 TC堆积速率 1 0.357** 0.959** −0.399** 0.993** OC浓度 1 0.420** 0.184 0.321** OC堆积速率 1 −0.423** 0.919** TIC浓度 1 −0.379** TIC堆积速率 1 注:**为在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关;*为在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关 表 6 沉积速率、BD和OC浓度与碳埋藏通量协方差分析
Table 6 C, DR, and BD contributions to the variance of carbon burial rate.
V(DR) V(BD) V(C) 2COV(DR, BD) 2COV(BD, C) 2COV(DR, C) 0.75 0.00 0.16 0.01 −0.01 0.45 注:V 代表方差,COV 代表协方差,DR 代表沉积速率 表 3 黄河三角洲不同沉积环境垂向沉积速率与碳的埋藏通量
Table 3 Vertical sedimentation rate and accretion rate of carbon of different sediment environments in the Yellow River Delta
沉积层位 沉积速率/
(g/ (m2·a)OC堆积速率/
(g/ (m2·a)TIC堆积速率/
(g/ (m2·a)沉积环境 U7 0.1 1.54 16.7 3.9 12.8 25.54 5.88 19.86 二期三角洲沉积 U6 0.14 1.48 13.9 3.6 9 28.18 7.09 73.99 改造层沉积 U5-2 1.99 1.65 14.2 4.1 10.2 467.48 134.56 336.61 一期黄河三角洲前缘沉积 U5-1 0.12 1.41 19.9 5.7 14.2 33.42 9.82 23.95 一期黄河三角洲前三角洲沉积 U4 0.052 1.46 23.8 5.4 19.1 18.41 3.81 14.6 潮坪-浅海相 U3 0.015 1.73 11.2 0.6 10.7 2.92 0.16 2.76 河流相 U2 0.014 1.45 16.9 1.9 15.1 3.45 0.39 3.06 泛滥平原 U1 1.38 21 4.8 16.2 -
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