
赵格格, 田庆春, 杜五喜, 裴瑜, 鄂崇毅

赵格格, 田庆春, 杜五喜, 裴瑜, 鄂崇毅. 临汾盆地黄土粒度分布的端元模型研究[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(2): 192-200. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020082601
引用本文: 赵格格, 田庆春, 杜五喜, 裴瑜, 鄂崇毅. 临汾盆地黄土粒度分布的端元模型研究[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(2): 192-200. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020082601
ZHAO Gege, TIAN Qingchun, DU Wuxi, PEI Yu, E Chongyi. End member model analysis of grain size for the loess in Linfen Basin, China[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(2): 192-200. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020082601
Citation: ZHAO Gege, TIAN Qingchun, DU Wuxi, PEI Yu, E Chongyi. End member model analysis of grain size for the loess in Linfen Basin, China[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(2): 192-200. DOI: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020082601


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目“临汾盆地高分辨率黄土记录的MIS3阶段气候变化过程”(41701223)




  • 中图分类号: P532

End member model analysis of grain size for the loess in Linfen Basin, China

  • 摘要: 为了解黄土高原东南缘临汾盆地黄土沉积物粒度分布特征及其气候意义,运用参数化端元分析模型对临汾盆地黄土沉积物粒度数据进行分析,提取对气候变化反映敏感的粒级组分。通过对临汾盆地黄土-古土壤序列运用谢帕德三角分类法,发现黄土主要由粉砂和黏土质粉砂组成,分布较为集中;对临汾盆地黄土粒度进行Gen.Weibull函数分布的参数化端元模型反演得出了3个端元,EM1可能是黄土在夏季风作用下的风化和成壤过程中形成的,EM2可能代表的是高空西风搬运的远源沉积物,EM3可能代表的是较强的冬季风所搬运的近源沉积物以及冬季短时间尘暴所带来的物质。结合OSL测年结果,临汾盆地黄土粒度端元组分、磁化率与深海氧同位素对比分析,发现临汾盆地与深海氧同位素一致,说明临汾盆地气候演化受全球冰量控制,但在每个阶段的内部波动上又表现出一定的区域特征。
    Abstract: In order to understand the grain size distribution pattern of the loess sediments and its bearing on climatic changes in the Linfen Basin on the southeastern margin of the Loess Plateau, the method of Parametric End-member Modeling was used to analyze the grain size data of the loess sediments through extraction of the grain-size fraction sensitive to climate changes. According to Shepard’s classification, the Loess-paleosol sequence in the Linfen Basin is mainly composed of silt and clayey silt. Three general Weibull distribution end members (EM) are recognized. Our results suggest that the EM1 may indicate the product of weathering and pedogenesis of loess under the influence of summer monsoon in the East Asia, while the EM2 indicate the remotely sourced dust by the high-altitude airflow under the control of the westerly belt. The EM3 represents near source dust brought by the East Asia winter monsoon and short-term dust storms in winter. Through the correlation with OSL results, grain size end-member of the loess, magnetic susceptibility and SPECMAP data, it is found that the oxygen isotope of Linfen Basin is consistent with that of SPECMAP, indicating that the climate evolution of the Basin is controlled by global ice amount. However, the internal fluctuation within each stage shows regional features.
  • 图  1   丁村剖面位置图

    Figure  1.   The site of the Dingcun profile

    图  2   丁村剖面年龄模型

    Figure  2.   Age model of Dingcun profile

    图  3   谢帕德三角分类

    Figure  3.   Shephard’s classification

    图  4   丁村剖面黄土粒度非参数化与参数化端元分解结果与相关判别指标

    Figure  4.   Frequency distribution curves of each end-member in the Dingcun profile

    图  5   EM1、EM2、EM3频率分布与含量变化曲线

    Figure  5.   Frequency distribution and content variations curves of EM1、EM2、EM3

    图  6   EM1、EM2、EM3与中值粒径的相关性分析

    Figure  6.   Correlations of EM1、EM2、EM3 with median grain size

    图  7   丁村剖面磁化率、频率磁化率、中值粒径、EM1、EM2和EM3与深海氧同位素记录[18]的对比

    Figure  7.   Comparison of the magnetic susceptibility、frequency magnetic susceptibility、median grain size、EM1、EM2 and EM3 of the Dingcun profile with SPECMAP δ18O record[18]

    表  1   丁村剖面OSL年代结果

    Table  1   OSL dating results of Dingcun profile

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    表  2   丁村剖面黄土粒度参数化与非参数化端元拟合特性

    Table  2   Fittings of parametric and nonparametric EMA for the Dingcun profile

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-08-25
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