Research progress in carbonate associated sulfate
摘要: 碳酸盐晶格硫(CAS)是古环境恢复的重要手段之一,它系指在碳酸盐成岩过程中微量的硫酸盐离子取代碳酸盐离子并保存在晶格中的硫酸盐。CAS对矿物沉淀发生时的海水硫酸根的氧、硫同位素组成、硫酸盐浓度和当时古环境的氧化还原状态都有很好的保存和记录作用,因此引发了对其持续关注,并开展了一系列卓有成效的研究。本文综述了CAS当前的研究进展,主要从前处理方法、影响因素、同位素组成和古环境恢复等重点问题来探讨CAS的成因和CAS对不同沉积环境的恢复应用,并展望了需要进一步研究的几点研究方向,希望借此能引起广大研究者的兴趣和重视。Abstract: Carbonate associated sulfate, or CAS in brief, is one of the important indicators for paleoenvironmental restoration. Trace sulfate may enter carbonate lattice and replaces the carbonate during diagenesis. The CAS has the capability to preserve the isotopic composition of seawater sulfate and to record the sulfate concentration of seawater, as well as the changes in the paleoenvironment. In recent years, CAS has attracted great interest and attention from the geological society. In this paper, attempt has been made to address CAS with emphases on its pre-treatment methods, influencing factors, isotopic composition and its significance in paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The application of CAS to the restoration of different sedimentary environments is discussed, in addition to the future research directions. We hope that the introduction may raise interests and attentions from researchers.
- CAS /
- pretreatment method /
- sulfur-oxygen isotopes /
- paleoenvironmental reconstruction /
- cold seep
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表 1 一些典型的CAS提取方法
Table 1 Typical methods of extraction of CAS
样本时代 采样地点 主要的实验步骤 碳酸盐岩类型 文献来源 寒武纪 美国伊利诺斯(Illinois) 样品粉末用去离子水冲洗两次,持续24 h,偶尔搅拌一下,而后小心的倒掉上层液体;把样品用4%NaClO溶液处理,混合好后,持续反应48 h,并伴随偶尔的搅拌;样品再用去18 MΩ离子水冲洗两次 — [32] 古生代和中生代 — 直接用NaCl进行处理 生物成因碳酸盐岩和微晶方解石 [1] 新元古代晚期 中国宜昌市 50 g样品直接放到200 mLHCl(6 mol/L),12 h,过滤;加入5 g/(NH4)2(OH)Cl(1%)和两滴甲基橙,用NH4OH和盐酸调节pH,至溶液变为红色的 — [30] 震旦纪晚期 纳米比亚(Namibia) 将样品浸入10%NaCl溶液中,5次,持续24 h,并且不停的搅拌,每次取出后用去离子水冲洗3次 含硅质碎屑的碳酸盐岩 [33] 上三叠纪 阿尔卑斯山脉东部和南部 把样品浸入到10%NaCl溶液中搅拌24 h,过滤 — [34] 古生代 去离子水浸泡24~36 h — [35] 元古代 中国天津蓟县 在5.25%NaClO中冲洗24 h,然后用蒸馏水冲洗 — [29] 古生代 比利时乌拉尔山脉、北美
中部和内华达州用去离子水淋洗两次,每次持续24 h;再用4% NaClO溶液处理48 h — [36] -
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