Response of beach characteristics to typhoon “Yagi”: Evidence from Argus video images and on-site measurement
摘要: 综合分析2018年14号台风“摩羯”前后在山东省文登市南海海滩获取的Argus监测站数字影像、海滩剖面地形重复测量和沉积物粒度分析结果,探讨研究海滩地貌和沉积物对台风的响应特征。在台风“摩羯”的影响下,海滩剖面整体呈现上部侵蚀、坡度变陡、平均粒径值变小、分选变好的趋势,而下部淤积、坡度变缓、平均粒径值变大、分选变差的趋势,岸线平均后退3.8 m。Argus数字影像连续观测数据显示台风期间波浪条件主导海岸线响应,且台风导致的强浪破碎后波能在海滩的不均匀耗散使台风后海滩发育韵律性地貌—滩角。Abstract: Integrated analysis is carried out on the video images from the Argus monitoring station, topographic measurements from beach profiles and sediment particle size parameters obtained from the Nanhai Beach in Wendeng City, Shandong Province before and after the 14th Typhoon “Yagi” in 2018. Under the action of the typhoon, the upper part of the beach was eroded, the slope became steeper, the mean grain size decreased, and the sorting of sediments improved, whereas the lower part of the beach was depositional, the slope became gentler, particles coarsened, the sorting of sediments was getting poorer, and the shoreline receded for an average of 3.8 m. The Argus continuous observation video image data further suggests that under the action of typhoon, wave dominated the response of coastline and the cusp beach will develop in a rhythmic manner resulted from the uneven dissipation of wave energy on the beach after the breaking of strong waves caused by typhoon.
- typhoon /
- sandy coast /
- beach response /
- Argus /
- Wendeng city
表 1 台风前后海滩剖面特征变化
Table 1 Characteristics of beach profile before and after typhoon
坡度/(°) 高滩UED(m3/m) 中滩UED(m3/m) 低滩UED(m3/m) 岸线变化/m 陡坎变化/m 陡坎高程/m P01 9.9 2.13 −10.36 6.49 −1.09 −2.24 0.05 P02 4.7 3.25 −10.20 17.24 −2.3 −4.3 0.2 P03 5.4 10.77 −16.15 6.23 −7.6 −7.71 0.28 P04 4.5 2.56 −9.6 8.79 −4.7 −4.8 0.29 P05 5.0 0.4 −1.55 6.15 −2.2 −1.34 0.1 P06 7.2 1.66 −5.53 6.15 −3.6 −8.42 0.25 Pj1 7.6 0 −11.5 NA −3.45 −1.36 0.04 Pj2 7.2 0 −13.96 NA −2.41 −3.36 0.17 Pj3 6.0 0 −18.27 NA −2.18 −0.9 −0.02 Pj4 8.1 NA −6.66 NA −1.57 −0.73 −0.28 注:UED为单宽蚀积量数据,向海淤积为+,向陆后退为−;MSL位置变化和沙丘陡坎位置变化以向海方向移动为+,向陆方向移动为−,沙丘陡坎高程上升为+,下降为−。 表 2 台风前后海滩剖面粒度参数统计
Table 2 Statistics on grain size parameters on beach profiles before and after the typhoon
潮区 时间 平均粒径/ϕ 分选系数 粗砂含量/% 中砂含量/% 细砂含量/% 海滩下部 台风前 1.97 0.88 20.52 18.48 57.36 台风后 2.08 0.74 13.78 30.18 53.55 海滩中部 台风前 1.78 0.97 18.29 33.62 42.61 台风后 1.93 0.75 14.77 37.23 45.35 海滩上部 台风前 1.54 0.84 30.58 35.51 32.6 台风后 1.64 0.7 23.5 44.05 30.89 -
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